This book will ensure you
can undertake a structured, detailed and rigorous review of both internal and external
risk factors and determine future cash flows from which repayment will come. Advanced
Credit Analysis presents a practical framework for reviewing such risk factors. Eleven
detailed chapters illustrated with twelve case studies and sample financial
statements examine key issues including international accounting standards; international
financial analysis; advanced ratio analysis advanced cash flow analysis; corporate
valuation; business risk analysis; venture capital, MBOs and MBIs; syndicated facilities;
agri lending; and shipping finance.
An invaluable companion
which will enable lenders to evaluate and correctly identify risks inherent in any
commercial lending proposal. written to assist the reader in both evaluating and
correctly identifying the risks inherent in any commercial lending proposal.
Credit risk analysis, the
credit rating ofcorporates and loan risk portfolio management are becoming increasingly
recognised as essential techniques for the successful management of any financial
institutions. Advanced Credit Analysis has been written to assist the reader in both
evaluating and correctly identifying the risks inherent in any commercial lending
proposal. In over 350 pages, it gives a practical framework for reviewing both internal
and external risk factors to corporate credit covering a wide variety of often complex
situations. Featuring 12 detailed case studies and detailed throughout with tables, charts
and sample financial statements, this book is an invaluable companion for all those
considering lending in the global marketplace.
Eleven diopters detail the
latest techniques in international corporate credit analysis
1. International Accounting
Standards months have seen a powerful consensus emerge supporting a globally acceptable
reporting format. This chapter discusses the accounting fundamentals and analytical
pitfalls which need to be understood in order to properly assess the value and reliability
of accounting information presented under international accounting standards (IAS)
2. international Financial
Analysisi examines the problems inherent in attempting to analyse the performance of
businesses situated in different countries. Three different aspects are discussed: 1) an
analysis of the operations of a multinational company 2) an examination of how foreign
businesses are analysed in their own domiciles 3) a cross-national comparison between
businesses in different companies.
3. Advanced Ration
Analysis considers the various familiar techniques of ratio analysis used to measure
business performance, aswell as several others which are not yet commonly in use
4. Advanced Cash Flow
Analysis with increased emphasis placed on the reporting and analysis of cash flows to
examine business performance, the thorough understanding of the strengths and weaknesses
of this analytical technique is therefore essential for anyone responsible for, or
involved in, taking decisions which are dependent on the risk profile of a given business
or economic entity.
5. Corporate Valuation looks
at the six alternative approaches to valuation in general use and in different contexts:
1) earnings based 2) discounting cash flows 3) dividend discounting 4) market to book
ratios 5) ratio-based measures 6) asset measures
6. Business Risk
Analvsisi examines sector profiling and considers the effects of three factors: 1) the
fundamental nature of the sector and the key risks to be managed both locally and globally
2) the trends, adverse and favourable, in the legal and regulatory environment 3) the
competitive trends and changes within the sector, both locally and globally
7. Venture Capita! MBOs
& MBIs looks at specialised deals for the analyst, giving an example of an MBO
business plan.
8. Syndicated Facilities
dynamics of the syndicated loan market make it a complex arena for credit analysts. The
arrangement of fees and the structuring of deals all overlay the traditional credit
considerations and -nake for pitfalls that can trap the unwary.
9. Agri-Lending in farming,
as with other lending, there is no mathematical Formula to make life easy. As every farm
is different - in structure, size, layout and facilities, and agricultural cash flows are
prone to significant short and medium term fluctuations the'analyst must take into account
several complicating factors when evaluating risk.
10. Shipping Finance the
shipping industry is a complex area for business risk assessment, [t is characterised by
large financing deals, and accurate cash flow evaluation is critical. Examines credit
assessment criteria and important provisions in loan agreements.
11. Cash Flow Lessons
from the USA: discusses the results of a comparison of the cash flow profiles and selected
ratios of a sample of companies which ultimately filed for bankruptcy, with those of a
sample of non-bankrupt companies. Each level of the statement is compared across the two
samples of companies to determine whether there are significant differences. This is the
only major study which examines such differences when the cash flows are computed using
the direct method of cash flow analysis.
360 pages