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Critical Perspectives on Business and Management
Edited by: Michael Baker

Introduced by:
Michael Baker

This multi-volume set gathers together the most important articles and essays to contribute to the development of the marketing phenomenon. The most comprehensive reference and research tool of its kind, it includes over 160 articles, combining the best of both the American and European literature and covering a period of more than 70 years.
Compiled by experts in marketing theory and practice, this set allows access to all those key articles only available otherwise in specialist libraries and institutions. The material is arranged thematically, with a thorough index and a new introduction to the set that places the material in a contemporary context.
Marketing: Critical Perspectives is the one-stop resource for both academics and practitioners.


Volume I
Part 1. Evolution of the Marketing Concept (inc. orientation and RM)
1. McKitterick, J. B. What is the Marketing Management Concept? The Frontiers of Marketing Thought and Science [1957]
2. Alderson, Wroe The Analytical Framework for Marketing Proceedings: Conference of Marketing Teachers from Far Western States [1958]
3. Keith, R. J. The Marketing Revolution Journal of Marketing [1960]
4. Levitt, Theodore, Marketing Myopia Harvard Business Review 1960]
5. King, Robert L. The Marketing Concept Science in Marketing [1965]
6. Kotler, Philip and Levy, Sidney J. Broadening the Concept of Marketing Journal of Marketing [1969]
7. Levy, Sidney J. and Kotler, Philip Beyond Marketing: the Furthering Concept California Management Review [1969]
8. Barksdale, H.C. and Darden, W. Marketers' Attitudes Toward the Marketing Concept Journal of Marketing [1971]
9. Kotler, Philip A Generic Concept of Marketing Journal of Marketing [1972]
10. McNamara, C.P. The Present Status of the Marketing Concept Journal of Marketing [1972]
11. Bagozzi, Richard P. Marketing as Exchange Journal of Marketing [1975]
12. Hunt, Shelby D. The Nature and Scope of Marketing Journal of Marketing [1976]
13. Chonko, Lawrence B. and Hunt, Shelby D. Ethics and Marketing Management: an Empirical Examination Journal of Business Research [1985]
14. King, Stephen Has Marketing Failed, or was it Never Really Tried? Journal of Marketing Management [1985]
15. Hall, Jan Values, the Key to Business in 1990 and Beyond Journal of Marketing Management [1989]
16. Kohli, Ajay K. and Jaworski, Bernard J. Market Orientation: the Construct, Research Propositions, and Managerial Implications Journal of Marketing [1990]
17. Narver, J.C. and Slater, S.F. The Effect of a Market Orientation on Business Profitability Journal of Marketing [1990]
18. Mueller-Heumann, Guenther Market and Technology Shifts in the 1990s: Market Fragmentation and Mass Customization Journal of Marketing Management [1992]
19. Webster, Frederick E. The Changing Role of Marketing in the Corporation Journal of Marketing [1992]
20. Brown, Stephen Postmodern Marketing European Journal of Marketing [1993]
21. Gronroos, Christian Quo Vadis Marketing? Towards a Relationship Marketing Paradigm Journal of Marketing Management [1994]
22. Morgan, Robert M. and Hunt, Shelby D. The Commitment-Trust Theory of Relationship Marketing Journal of Marketing [1994]
23. Foreman, Susan K. and Money, Arthur H. Internal Marketing: Concepts, Measurement and Application Journal of Marketing Management [1995]
24. Jaworski, Bernard J. and Kohli, Ajay K. Market Orientation: Review, Refinement, and Roadmap Journal of Market Focused Management [1996]
25. O'Cass, Aron Political Marketing and the Marketing Concept European Journal of Marketing [1996]
26. Turner, Gregory B. and Spencer, Barbara Understanding the Marketing Concept as Organizational Culture European Journal of Marketing [1997]

Volume II
Part 2. The Historical Perspective
27. Bartels, R. Development of Marketing Thought Science in Marketing [1965]
28. Ames, B. Charles Trappings Versus Substance in Industrial Marketing Harvard Business Review [1970]
29. Fullerton, R. A. How Modern is Modern Marketing? Journal of Marketing [1988]
30. Gilbert, D. and Bailey, N. The Development of Marketing: a Compendium of Historical Approaches Quarterly Review of Marketing [1990]
31. Jones, D.G.B. and Monieson, D.D. Early Developments of the Philosophy of Marketing Thought Journal of Marketing [1990]
32. Wood, Laurie The End of the Product Life Cycle? Education Says Goodbye to an Old Friend Journal of Marketing Management [1990]
33. Morrison, Alan and Wensley, Robin Boxing up or Boxed in?: a Short History of the Boston Consulting Group Share/Growth Matrix Journal of Marketing Management [1991]
34. Vink, Nico J. Historical Perspective in Marketing Management, Explicating Experience Journal of Marketing Management [1992]
35. Brady, John and Davis, Ian Marketing's Mid-Life Crisis The McKinsey Quarterly [1993]
36. Doyle, Peter Marketing in the New Millennium European Journal of Marketing [1995]
37. Holbrook, Morris B. The Four Faces of Commodification in the Development of Marketing Knowledge Journal of Marketing Management [1995]
38. Wensley, Robin A Critical Review of Research in Marketing British Journal of Management [1995]
39. Brown, Stephen Art or Science? Fifty Years of Marketing Debate Journal of Marketing Management [1996]
40. Greenley, Gordon E. and Oktemgil, Mehmet A Development of the Domain of Marketing Planning Journal of Marketing Management [1996]
Part 3. Foundations of Marketing Theory
41. Maslow, Abraham A Theory of Human Motivation Psychological Review [1943]
42. Katona, George Rational Behavior and Economic Behavior Psychological Review [1953]
43. Hastorf, A. H. and Cantril, H. They Saw a Game: a Case History Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology [1954]
44. Schramm, Wilbur How Communication Works The Process and Effects of Mass Communication [1955]
45. Katz, Elihu The Two-Step Flow of Communication Public Opinion Quarterly [1957]
46. Aspinwall, Leo The Characteristics of Goods and Parallel Systems Theories Managerial Marketing [1958]
47. Drucker, Peter Marketing and Economic Development Journal of Marketing [1958]
48. Bourne, Francis S. The Adoption Process The Adoption of New Products, Foundation for Research on Human Behavior [1959]
49. Levy, Sidney J. Symbols by Which We Buy Advancing Marketing Efficiency, American Marketing Association [1959]
50. Hollander, Stanley C. The Wheel of Retailing Journal of Marketing [1960]
51. Hollander, Stanley C. Measuring the Cost and Value of Marketing Business Topics [1961]
52. Lavidge, Robert J. and Steiner, Gary A. A Model for Predictive Measurements of Advertising Effectiveness Journal of Marketing [1961]
53. Bucklin, Louis P. Retail Strategy and the Classification of Consumer Goods Journal of Marketing [1963]
54. Bartels, Robert The General Theory of Marketing Journal of Marketing [1968]
55. Wells, William D. and Tigert, Douglas J. Activities, Interests and Opinions Journal of Advertising Research [1971]
56. Buzzell, Robert D., Gale Bradley T. and Sultan, Ralph G. M. Market Share - A Key to Profitability Harvard Business Review [1975]
57. Wells, William D. Psychographics: a Critical Review Journal of Marketing Research [1975]
58. Rogers, Everett M. New Product Adoption and Diffusion Journal of Consumer Research [1976]
59. Laczniak, Gene R. Framework for Analyzing Marketing Ethics Journal of Macromarketing [1983]
60. Bagozzi, Richard P. A Prospectus for Theory Construction in Marketing Journal of Marketing [1984]
61. Robertson, Thomas S. and Gatignon Hubert Competitive Effects on Technology Diffusion Journal of Marketing [1986]
62. Hunt, Shelby D. Truth in Marketing Theory and Research Journal of Marketing [1990]
63. Brown, Stephen Variations on a Marketing Enigma: the Wheel of Retailing Theory Journal of Marketing Management [1991]
64. Brownlie, Douglas and Saren, Michael On the Commodification of Marketing Knowledge: Opening Themes Journal of Marketing Management [1995]
65. Coviello, Nicole E., Brodie, Roderick J. and Munro, Hugh J. Understanding Contemporary Marketing: Development of a Classification Scheme Journal of Marketing Management [1997]

Volume III
Part 4. Buyer Behaviour
66. Haire, Mason Projective Techniques in Marketing Research Journal of Marketing [1950]
67. Bauer, Raymond A. Consumer Behavior as Risk Taking Dynamic Marketing for a Changing World [1960]
68. Kotler, Philip Behavioral Models for Analyzing Buyers Journal of Marketing [1965]
69. Webster, Frederick E. Modeling the Industrial Buying Process Journal of Marketing Research [1965]
70. Sheth, Jagdish N. A Review of Buyer Behaviour Management Science [1967]
71. Howard, John A. and Sheth, Jagdish N. A Theory of Buyer Behaviour Perspectives in Consumer Behavior [1968]
72. Kassarjian, Harold H. Personality and Consumer Behaviour: a Review Journal of Marketing Research [1971]
73. Webster, Frederick E. and Wind, Yoram A General Model for Understanding Organizational Buying Behaviour Journal of Marketing [1972]
74. Sheth, Jagdish N. A Model of Industrial Buyer Behaviour Journal of Marketing [1973]
75. Lunn, J. A. Consumer Decision-Process Models Models of Buyer Behaviour [1974]
76. Dwyer, F. Robert, Schurr, Paul H. and Sejo, Oh Developing Buyer-Seller Relationships Journal of Marketing [1987]
77. Sheth, Jagdish N. and Parvatiyar, Atul Relationship Marketing in Consumer Markets: Antecedents and Consequences Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sciences [1995]
78. Fournier, Susan Consumers and Their Brands: Developing Relationship Theory in Consumer Research Journal of Consumer Research [1998]
Part 5. Marketing Strategy
79. Adler, Lee A New Orientation for Plotting Marketing Strategy Business Horizons [1964]
80. Ansoff, H. Igor New Corporate Strategy [1988]
81. Oxenfeldt, Alfred R. The Formulation of a Marketing Strategy
82. Hedley, Barry Strategy and the 'Business Portfolio' Long Range Planning [1977]
83. Abell, Derek F. Strategic Windows Journal of Marketing [1978]
84. Porter, Michael E. How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy Harvard Business Review [1979]
85. Kotler, Philip and Singh, Ravi Marketing Warfare in the 1980s Journal of Business Strategy [1980]
86. Biggadike, E. Ralph The Contributions of Marketing to Strategic Management Academy of Management Review [1981]
87. Anderson , Paul F. Marketing, Strategic Planning and the Theory of the Firm Journal of Marketing [1982]
88. Mintzberg, Henry Crafting Strategy Harvard Business Review [1987]
89. Day, George S. Marketing's Contribution to the Strategy Dialogue Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science [1992]
90. Winzar, Hume F. Product Classifications and Marketing Strategy Journal of Marketing Management [1992]
91. Hunt, Shelby D. and Morgan, Robert M. The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition Journal of Marketing [1995]
92. Slater, Stanley F. and Narver, John C. Competitive Strategy in the Market-Focused Business Journal of Market Focused Management [1996]

Volume IV
Part 6. Analytical Frameworks inc. PLC & Portfolio Analysis
93. Shuchman, Abe The Marketing Audit: Its Nature, Purposes, and Problems AMA Management Report No. 32, Analysing and Improving Marketing Performance [1959]
94. Wasson, Chester R. How Predictable are Fashion and Other Product Life Cycles? Journal of Marketing [1968]
95. Conley, Patrick Experience Curves as a Planning Tool IEEE Spectrum [1970]
96. Clifford Jr. Donald K. Managing the Product Life Cycle The Arts of Top Management: A McKinsey Anthology [1971]
97. Dhalla, Nariman K. and Yuspeh, Sonia Forget the Product Life Cycle Concept! Harvard Business Review [1976]
98. Day, G. S. Diagnosing the Product Portfolio Journal of Marketing [1977]
99. Kotler, Philip, Gregor, William and Rodgers, William, The Marketing Audit Comes of Age Sloan Management Review [1977]
100. Robinson, S.J.Q., Hichens, R. E. and Wade, D. P. The Directional Policy Matrix - Tool for Strategic Planning Long Range Planning [1978]
101. Smallwood, John E. The Product Life Cycle: a Key to Strategic Marketing Planning Business Topics [1978]
102. Hooley, G. J. The Multivariate Jungle: the Academic's Playground but the Manager's Minefield European Journal of Marketing [1980]
103. Wensley, Robin Strategic Marketing: Betas, Boxes, or Basics Journal of Marketing [1981]
104. Nanus, Burt QUEST - Quick Environmental Scanning Technique Long Range Planning [1982]
105. Neidell, Lester A. Don't Forget the Product Life Cycle for Strategic Planning Business [1983]
106. Day, G. S. and Wensley, Robin Assessing Advantage: a Framework for Diagnosing Competitive Superiority Journal of Marketing [1988]
107. Brownlie, Douglas T. Scanning the Internal Environment: Impossible Precept or Neglected Art? Journal of Marketing Management [1989]
108. Lambkin, Mary and Day, George S. Evolutionary Processes in Competitive Markets: Beyond the Product Life Cycle Journal of Marketing [1989]
109. Morrison Alan and Wensley, Robin Boxing up or Boxed in ? A Short History of the Boston Consulting Group Share Growth Matrix Journal of Marketing Management [1991]
Part 7. Differentiation and Segmentation
110. Smith, Wendell R. Product Differentiation and Market Segmentation as Alternative Marketing Strategies Journal of Marketing [1956]
111. Haley, R. I. Benefit Segmentation Journal of Marketing [1968]
112. Johnson, Richard M. Market Segmentation: a Strategic Management Tool Journal of Marketing Research [1971]
113. Wind, Yoram and Cardozo, Richard Industrial Market Segmentation Industrial Marketing Management [1979]
114. Kotler, Philip and Zaltman, Gerald Targeting Prospects for a New Product Journal of Advertising Research [1976]
115. Tynan, Caroline A. and Drayton, Jennifer Market Segmentation Journal of Marketing Management [1987]
116. Lawson, Rob W. The Family Life Cycle: a Demographic Analysis Journal of Marketing Management [1988]
Part 8. Branding and Positioning
117. Trout, Jack and Ries, A. Positioning Cuts Through Chaos in the Marketplace Advertising Age [1972]
118. Aaker, David A. and Shansby, Gary J. Positioning Your Product Business Horizons [1982]
119. Abratt, Russell A New Approach to the Corporate Image Process Journal of Marketing Management [1989]
120. Doyle, Peter Building Successful Brands: the Strategic Options Journal of Marketing Management [1989]
121. King, Stephen Brand Building in the 1990s Journal of Marketing Management [1991]
Volume V
Part 9. The Marketing Mix
122. Borden, N. The Concept of the Marketing Mix Journal of Advertising Research [1964]
123. Lipson, Harry A. and Reynolds, Fred D. The Concept of the Marketing Mix: Its Development, Uses, and Applications MSU Business Topics [1970]
124. Kent, R. A. Faith in Four Ps: an Alternative Journal of Marketing Management [1986]
125. Brownlie, Douglas and Saren, Michael The Four Ps of the Marketing Concept: Prescriptive, Polemical, Permanent and Problematical European Journal of Marketing [1992]
126. Waterschoot, Walter and Van den Bulte, Christophe The 4P Classification of the Marketing Mix Revisited Journal of Marketing [1992]
127. O'Malley, Lisa and Patterson, Maurice Vanishing Point: The Mix Management Paradigm Re-Viewed Journal of Marketing Management [1998]
Part 9.1. Product
128. Johnson, S. C. and Jones, C. How to Organise for New Products Harvard Business Review [1957]
129. Mason, William R. A Theory of Packaging in the Marketing Mix Business Horizons [1958]
130. Alexander, R. S. The Death and Burial of Sick Products Journal of Marketing [1964]
131. Cooper, Robert G. Why New Industrial Products Fail Industrial Marketing Management [1975]
132. Cooper, Robert G. The New Product Process: a Decision Guide for Management Journal of Marketing Management [1988]
133. Hart, Susan Dimensions of Success in New Product Development: an Exploratory Investigation Journal of Marketing Management [1993]
134. Lemmink, Jos and Kasper, Hans Competitive Reactions to Product Quality Improvements in Industrial Markets European Journal of Marketing [1994]
9.2. Price
135. Udell, Jon G. How Important is Pricing in Competitive Strategy? Journal of Marketing [1964]
136. Dean, Joel Techniques for Pricing New Products and Services Handbook of Modern Marketing New York [1970]
137. Oxenfeldt, Alfred R. A Decision-making Structure for Price Decisions Journal of Marketing [1973]
9.3. Place
138. Cole, Robert Vertical Integration in Marketing Vertical Integration in Marketing [1952]
139. Alderson, Wroe Factors Governing the Development of Marketing Channels Marketing Channels for Manufactured Products [1954]
140. Davidson, William R. Channels of Distribution - One Aspect of Marketing Strategy Business Horizons [1961]
141. Berg, Thomas. L. Designing the Distribution System The Social Responsibilities of Marketing [1962]
142. Balderstone, F. E. Design of Marketing Channels Theory in Marketing [1964]
143. Mallen, Bruce Conflict and Cooperation in Marketing Channels Progress in Marketing [1964]
144. Bucklin, Louis P. Postponement, Speculation, and the Structure of Distribution Channels Journal of Marketing Research [1965]
145. Davidson, William R. Changes in Distributive Institutions Journal of Marketing [1970]
9.4. Promotion
146. Braithwaite, D. The Economic Effects of Advertisement Economic Journal [1928]
147. White, Irving S. The Functions of Advertising in Our Culture Journal of Marketing [1959]
148. Colley, Russell H. Defining Advertising Goals Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results [1961]
149. Davis, Harry L. and Silk, Alvin J. Personal Selling and Management of the Sales Force Sloan Management Review

3080 pages

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