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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

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Real Options

Evaluating Corporate Investment Opportunities in a Dynamic World

Real option analysis is a development from the methods by which financial markets value an option on a stock or share. It helps us decide how much money we should spend to acquire an economic opportunity and when we should commit ourselves to one of the available decisions. Real option analysis is increasingly being used by companies to value intangible assets. However, due to the mathematical complexity of analyzing real options, they are only now becoming essential to corporate strategy.

Real Options will provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the concepts behind real option analysis and how to use them. It demystifies the scientific aura surrounding the subject, giving the reader the understanding necessary to direct or apply real option analysis in any organizational setting.

Real Options will:

  • introduce real options, what they are, why they are important and when to use them
  • explain the essential concepts of real and financial option analysis
  • illustrate how to apply financial option concepts to real options
  • explain how to build and solve real option models
  • highlight the limitations and pitfalls of real option analysis
  • provide foresight into the future of real option analysis
  • provide worked practical examples and case studies from the world of real estate, sport management, power generation and operations.

Written by a team of authors from (and linked) to Manchester Business School who have experience in teaching practitioners and students alike in the field of real options, this book will guide the reader from a basic level through to more advanced analysis

Real Options will prove essential reading for finance practitioners, finance consultants, MBA and finance students, and general managers.

Sydney Howell is a Senior Lecturer in Management Accounting and Control at Manchester Business School. He has over 20 years experience as a teacher, manager and consultant in all areas of real options, and has taught for many companies including IBM, Tesco and C&A.

Andrew Stark is Professor of Accounting at Manchester Business School, and is presently Director of the Manchester MBA programme. He is a well-known contributor to conferences on real options and has taught at Maryland, Yale and Manchester universities.

David Newton is Lecturer in Accounting and Finance at Manchester Business School, and has a wide-ranging expertise in teaching real options theory and practice to students and practitioners alike. He wrote a seminal paper on the application of options theory to R&D.

Dean Paxson is Professor of Finance and Accounting at Manchester Business School where he has taught real options to MBAs for several years. He was educated at Amherst College, Oxford and Harvard Business School, and has written a number of well-received books on real options.

Mustafa Cavus is a senior consultant with Capstone Energy Consulting, and specializes, among other fields, in options and futures in electricity generation. Mustafa holds Master's degrees from German and British universities, as well as a PhD from Manchester Business School

Joee Antonio de Azevedo-PereIra is a graduate of ISEG (Technical University of Lisbon) and Manchester Business School. He is presently Professor Auxiliar at ISEG and has previously held a number of Board and Executive positions in Portuguese companies.

Kanak Patel is Lecturer in Property Finance at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge. Initially a risk analyst at Lloyd's of London, she has also taught finance at Manchester Business School and at the Management School, Imperial College, University of London.

308 pages

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