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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL BUSINESS , rok wydania 1996, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This text is part of a series designed to provide business and engineering students with a full understanding of the issues of total quality management. It integrates the components of responsive management into a logical model which can be followed in order to achieve management objectives.

    This volume is part of a series designed to provide business and engineering students with a full understanding of the issues of total quality management. The series should also be a valuable resource for practising managers and engineers.

    Modern organizations perform different types of activities, each of which requires a different management approach from project management to production management to responsive management.

    This book considers the need for increased responsive management in a constantly changing business environment where customers are demanding specialized treatment and competition is forcing firms to be responsive in order to survive. "Service Response Logistics" integrates all the components of responsive management - the need to empower employees, the need for improved customer service - into a logical model which can be followed in order to achieve the management objectives of the responsive organization.

Table of Contents

    Introduction to service response logistics
    responsive activity management
    developing a responsive organization
    the logistics management task
    the economics of responsive organizations
    creating the responsive infrastructure.

286 pages

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