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wydawnictwo: REUTERS , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 185.00 Twoja cena  175,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This is an age of innovation. A time when industries are evolving quicker than most of us can comprehend. A time of technological change when deals and communications take place at the speed of light, when the strategies and systems of tomorrow are needed today, and when survival is not just down to the knowledge you possess, but to knowing how to apply it.

In the finance industry these developments and changes are occurring quicker than in any other commercial sector. Market professions are not only being faced with a blizzard of new financial instruments and concepts, they are also being expected to understand them and know how to use them to full effect.

Key Market Concepts is a practical reference tool for anyone in the finance industry, helping professionals stay on top of the game. It provides full explanations of 100 essential financial terms, providing you with detail of what each concept is, how it works, when it is likely to arise, and how best to use it.

Key Market Concept's accessible nature and comprehensive insights will shed light on the more bewildering financial terms in use today, and will ensure that you're not left behind in the race for tomorrow's profits.

"This is a well thought out and written publication. It manages to explain in a clear and readable way many of the key terms commonly used in the financial markets today. It will make an excellent addition to any serious library of financial books with great appeal to both the professional and the serious student."

-William A. Hahn, Managing Director, ACI-The Financial Markets Association

Author Bio

Bob Steiner is Managing Director of Markets International Ltd., an independent company specializing in training in a range of areas related to the international financial markets, treasury and banking. The company also provides advice to finance directors and treasurers of international companies on foreign exchange, money markets and other treasury matters. This ranges from written studies reviewing existing management policies and procedures, through the development of appropriate hedging strategies, to short-term market advice.

Bob was previously senior consultant with HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation, working in London and New York, in the dealing area, as a consultant to major U.S. and European companies on treasury management. He has also been treasurer and fund manager of H P Bulmer Holdings plc and English and American Insurance Group plc, active in currency and interest rate management. He has thus been closely involved in treasury management as a consultant and a practitioner. He also worked in the Overseas Department of the Bank of England, and with the European Commission in Brussels.

Bob himself spends a considerable amount of time training bankers, systems staff, corporate staff and others involved in the financial markets. In particular, he personally runs courses for all the ACI exams-the ACI Diploma, the Dealing Certificate and the Settlement Certificate-as well as courses on Financial Calculations and Repos. He is the author of Mastering Financial Calculations and Mastering Repo Markets, published by FT Prentice Hall.

His academic background is an honors degree in mathematics from Cambridge University followed by further studies in economics with London University. He is a member of the ACI and of the Association of Corporate Treasurers.

Pages: 256

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