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wydawnictwo: LONGMAN , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 175.00 Twoja cena  166,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Employment Law

provides a comprehensive and accessible analysis of employment law for students. It includes an up-to-date examination of measures resulting from the Employment Relations Act 1999 and includes the most recent legislation on working time, the national minimum wage and part-time workers. Throughout the book the role of EU law in shaping employment protection in the United Kingdom is emphasised. An early chapter in the book is devoted to EU and European labour law and its effect on the laws of the Member States of the Community.

The book begins with a useful chapter on the institutions, such as ACAS, the EOC and the CRE, which play an important role in the development of employment rights. This chapter includes an extensive list of web sites which will provide extra resources for the student of the subject. Employment Law then progresses from an examination of the employment relationship and contracts of employment to chapters on discrimination, time and pay, human rights and data protection, parental and maternity rights and business restructuring. There are also chapters looking at collective relationships, including the statutory right of trade unions to be recognised.

Employment Law is suitable for recommendation on LLB options, the External (London) LLB, combined law studies and other degree level courses. It is also appropriate for students following other degree courses such as business studies, human resources management and courses which include an employment law option.

Malcolm Sargeant is a Senior Lecturer in Law at Middlesex University Business School. He has authored and contributed to a number of books, journals and other publications on employment law subjects for both students and practitioners. He has experience of teaching students at undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational level and has considerable experience in HR management and commerce. His doctoral research was in an area of EC employment law.

464 pages

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