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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 180.00 Twoja cena  171,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

What Smart Trainers Know

The field of human resource development (HRD) is multidisciplinary. If practitioners are to succeed, they must have a working knowledge of a variety of topics. However, most trainers have expertise in specific subject matter and many of the professionals currently performing training and development functions do not have formal preparation to meet the complex demands of the profession. How can you find the help you need to develop a working knowledge of themost pertinent HRD topics?

Written by highly regarded experts in the field including Zone L. Berge, Jay A. Conger, Robert Hargrove, James M. Kouzes, Julie O'Mara, Barry Z. Posner, Fran Rees, William J. Rothwell, and Edgar H. Schein What Smart Trainers Know offers you a comprehensive guide to the HRD profession's most critical issues. In thirty-five mini-chapters (each of which can be read in approximately fifteen minutes) the book provides a handy resource for new practitioners who want to develop a broad working knowledge of the field. The book also offers seasoned professionals the opportunity to examine the latest thinking from a wide range of noted experts. The user-friendly chapters translate important theoretical research into practical applications for the workplace and cover the essential subjectsof assessment, evaluation, and employee and organization development.

Within these pages, the authors examine aspects of the training and development field such as instructional design, learning styles, and the role of motivation. They offer you specific advice on training methods such as gomes and activities, self-directed learning, and distance learning. You'll learn about the emerging trends driving the future of HRD, such as the effect of the Internet. In addition, every chapter has a recommended further reading resource to assist you in locating more information on a topic.

Sure to become a well-thumbed resource in your library, What Smart Trainers Know is an invaluable development tool for managers and HRD professionals at all levels.

The Editor

Lorraine L Ukens is the owner of Team-ing with Success, a training and consulting firm that provides assessment, training, and evaluation services to businesses and government organizations. She is also an adjunct faculty member at Towson University in Maryland and the author of several training books and games, including Energize Your Audience! (Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2000).

436 pages

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