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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2001, wydanie II

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


and take your already successful consulting business to the next level

The Ultimate Consultant, the first book in The Ultimate Consultant series, is a hands-on resource written for successful consultants (and those who want to be!) who are ready to turn it up a notch and watch their businesses grow to new heights. The Ultimate Consultant goes beyond the commonplace advice of how to get started or get to the next level-it acts as a practical field guide for consultants who already have a thriving practice. Filled with down-to-earth advice that you can use to improve your practice immediately. The Ultimate Consultant shows how you can:

  • Control the nature of business you accept
  • Choose your clients
  • Increase your income
  • Find work and interactions that are constantly stimulating and educational

Alan Weiss is the most successful consultant I know. When he speaks, I listen. You should too. George Morrisey, author, jossey-Bass "Morrisey on Planning" series

Alan Weiss long ago learned the real secret of consulting: It's about people, it's about relationships.William L. Winter, Ph.D., president. The American Press Institute

This highly readable book, written by one of the experts in the field, provides invaluable advice for the aspiring or current management consultant. Victor Vroom, professor, Yale School of Management

Alan Weiss is a consulting genius who attacks problems the way he lives life with unconventional flair and a relentless intellect while delivering extraordinary results. The Ultimate Consultant captures all the reasons why I continue to call Alan time, and time, and time again. Keith T. Darcy, executive vice president, IBj Whitehall Bank & Trust Company

266 pages

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