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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 222.00 Twoja cena  210,90 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Mastering Management

You know the mantra - the world isn't standing still and nor are the ideas, skills and knowledge you need as a manager - but, what are you doing about it?

The first tenet of management should be "never stop learning," but the sheer abundance of new management ideas and the

complexity of modern business makes it hard to amass the breadth of knowledge you need to advance your career.

Mastering Management 2.0 is the antidote; a new set of perspectives from the best management brains from around the world.

What's inside:

"The nature of competition has shifted from the war of all against all, to competition between fluid networks of complementary companies." Donald Suli, Harvara Susinssti 6ww, p. 115

"Values are differences. They are not to be summed, but reconciled. Outstanding leaders take apparent opposites and integrate them, so that each value learns from the other, rules grow better through exceptions and global products spread from a particular locality." Fans Troinpenaars, Trompenaars Hampden-Turner I'ntercultural Management Consulting, p. 138

"Value today is more likely to lie in knowledge, people and brands than property, plant and equipment." Jonas Ridderstrale, Center for Advanced Studies in Leadership, Stockholm School of Economics, p. 217

"People cannot take responsibility for their career if they do not know what the Inner drivers of that career are." Edgar H. Schein, MITSIoan School of Management, p. 244

"Building shareholder value may meet the needs of investors, but it does little to excite or inspire those who have invested their personal human capital in an organization." Lynda Gratton

484 pages

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