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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena  161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Negotiating Partnerships
Increase profits and reduce risks

Iwar Unt, Keld Jensen

Are you identifying the right deals and making them profitable? Or are you haggling over who gets the biggest piece of the pie, rather than working out how to make the pie bigger?

This book will help you identify, develop and safeguard added value, which means that both businesses in the partnership can develop and grow with reduced risk.

Not just any partner and not just any deal will do. An international study based on over 20,000 negotiations revealed that a huge amount of time is wasted on producing deals that are often of only marginal merit. This book will help you identify the deals which are worth doing and set you on the right track to make them profitable.

Negotiating Partnerships will take you through dozens of areas where additional value can be found, to make win-win partnership deals that really work for you. As a good negotiators you will learn how to identify these opportunities and conclude better deals at the same time as making the other party feel good.

This book sets out key steps to co-operative negotiation so that you have the know-how to achieve profitable partnerships.

227 pages

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