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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie V

cena netto: 275.00 Twoja cena  261,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Commercial Bank Management - ISE
By Rose


Banking is an essential industry, and one with many regulations as well as frequent, important changes. Like previous editions, the Fifth Edition is designed to help students understand the field of banking from the perspective of both a bank customer as well as a bank manager. The author provides a well-written description of the banking industry while keeping the text as current as possible.

New and updated discussion of legislation that has impacted the banking industry. New material on mergers, acquisitions and the consolidation impacting the banking environment. Expanded global coverage integrated throughout the text. Marginal definitions placed next to where new terms and concepts introduced. Discusses the challenges banks face from non-bank competitors, such as mutual funds and pension funds, offering stocks, bonds and mutual funds as an attractive alternative to traditional bank deposits. Each chapter opens with Learning and Management Decision Objectives, which describe the principal goal of each chapter. Concept checks are included after each major section to help determine whether the reader understands the material just presented. Includes a generous number of end-of-chapter problems, as well as extensive references. Many of the problems offer alternative scenarios, illustrating what happens if the facts involved shift or the assumptions suddenly change. Numerous diagrams, exhibits, tables, and real-world examples from the banking industry are integrated to clarify important points. Two cases appear at the end of the text: one dealing with the emergence of Internet banking, featuring Wingspan.com; the other deals with the dynamics of banking relationships and features Be Our Guest, Inc. The solutions to the cases are found in the instructor's manual. Completely updated edition to reflect rapidly changing banking/financial services arena. New material on the competitive challenges posed by non-banking competitors. Internet activities and URLs in special pedagogical boxes found in each chapter.


Table of Contents:

Part I. An Introduction to the Business of Banking
1. An Overview of Banks and Their Services
2. The Impact of Government Policy and Regulation on Banking
3. The Organization and Structure of Banks and Their Industry
4. The Financial Statements of a Bank
5. Measuring and Evaluating Bank Performance

Part II. Asset-Liability Management Techniques and Hedging Against Interest Rate and Credit Risk
6. Asset-Liability Management: Determining and Measuring Interest Rates and Controlling a Bank's Interest-Sensitive Gap
7. Asset-Liability Management: The Concept of Duration and Managing a Bank's Duration Gap
8. Using Financial Futures and Options in Bank Asset-Liability Management
9. Using Swaps and Other Asset-Liability Management Techniques
10. Off-Balance-Sheet Financing in Banking and Credit Derivatives

Part III. Managing the Bank's Investment Portfolio and Liquidity Position
11. The Investment Function in Banking
12. Liquidity and Reserve Management Strategies and Policies

Part IV. Managing Bank Sources of Funds
13. Managing and Pricing Deposit Services
14. Bank Trust Services, Nondeposit Investment Products, and the Selling of Information Services
15. Managing Nondeposit Liabilities and Other Sources of Bank Funds
16. Management of a Bank's Equity Capital Position

Part V. Providing Loans to Businesses and Consumers
17. Bank Lending Policies and Procedures
18. Lending to Business Firms
19. Pricing Business Loans
20. Consumer and Real Estate Lending
21. Pricing Consumer and Real Estate Loans

Part VI. The Bank's Organizational Structure and Service Options: Choosing a Channel for Future Growth and Expansion
22. Creating and Managing Bank Service Outlets: Establishing New Banks, Branches, and Electronic and Automated On-Line Banking Facilities
23. Bank Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing the Acquisitions Process
24. International Banking Service Options

Glossary of Banking Terms

Case 1: WingspanBank.com
Case 2: Be Our Guest, Inc.
808 pages

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