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wydawnictwo: WILEY FABOZZI , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 410.00 Twoja cena  389,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Accessing Capital Markets through Securitization

Frank J. Fabozzi

Copyright: 2001

This innovative collection, written by securitization professionals and edited by finance guru Frank Fabozzi, thoroughly explains the basics and the mechanics of securitization and shows how securitization can help more institutions offer innovative fixed-income products.

Further, it discusses the effects of the capital markets on securitization and helps financial professionals decide whether or not to securitize. Filled with strategies and techniques, financial professionals will learn how to use float asset-backed offerings and how to hedge against risk and default.

Table of Contents

Contributing Authors.

Market Innovation in Securitization and Structured Finance (D. Singer).

Securitization Basics (D. Singer).

The Anatomy of a Securitization (B. Lockwood, et al.).

Credit Enhancement in ABS Structures (L. Hsu and C. Mohebbi).

Observations on Effecting Your First Asset-Backed Securities Offering (K. Morrison).

To Securitize or Not? (S. Johnson).

Strategies for Community Bankers (J. Sinkey Jr.).

The Structure, Economics, and Risk of Conduits (P. Elmer).

FASIT Flexibility Applied to Subprime Securitizations (P. Pollock and M. Shaff).

Strategic Choices in Asset Sales (A. Avery).

The Measurement of Prepayments and Defaults in ABS Markets (A. Bhattacharya).

Understanding MBS/ABS Loss Terminology (T. Zimmerman).

Developing the Prospectus Prepayment Curve for Real Estate Backed Structured Products (B. Adams and G. Schultz).

Securitization and Other Structured Finance Techniques for Equipment Leasing Companies (J. Mathew).

Manufactured Housing Securitization (P. Watterson, et al.).

Promoting Securitization in Emerging Economies (B. Jain).

Appendix: Glossary of Frequently Used Terms in Asset Securitization (K. Morrison).


248 pages

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