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wydawnictwo: WILEY FABOZZI , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 320.00 Twoja cena  304,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Cash Management: Products and Strategies

Frank J. Fabozzi

Copyright: 2000

Cash, as opposed to more rewarding but riskier assets, such as stocks or bonds, is preferable for meeting large, short-term liabilities that are well defined and predictable. Holding cash is also the only sensible investment choice for meeting uncertain (contingent) liabilities that arise in an emergency. The range of cash management alternatives is sufficiently wide and complicated to warrant careful planning when deciding on which specific cash vehicles to hold. The general principles of modern portfolio management can and should be applied to professional cash management.

Table of Contents

Contributing Authors.

The Fundamentals of Cash Management Investment Policy (M. Gelfand).

Crafting the Appropriate Investment Policy for an Organization's Unique Needs (F. Marckioni).

Identifying, Measuring, and Controlling Risk (H. Lamle).

Alternatives in Liquidity Management: DDAs, STIFs, and Sweep Accounts (R. Scott).

Basic and Nontraditional Repo Investment Strategies (G. Winnert).

Reverse Repurchase Agreements: Risks and Strategies for Money Market Funds and Cash Pools (D. Rivkin).

Innovative Investments for Money Market Funds (B. Carosielli).

Funding Agreements (M. Jomes).

Assessing Short-Term Funding Agreements in Money Market Funds and Cash Pools (D. Rivkin).

Floating-Rate Securities (F. Fabozzi and S. Mann).

Short-Term Fixed-Rate and Floating-Rate Mortgage-Backed Securities (F. Fabozzi).

Short-Term Fixed-Rate and Floating-Rate Asset-Backed Securities (F. Fabozzi).


194 pages

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