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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 140.00 Twoja cena  133,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Builders and Dreamers: The Making and Meaning of Management

Back Cover Copy

Management has come of age. Almost unrecognized in previous centuries, the task of managing enterprise has become central to the modern world; a driving force of economic and personal life. Builders and Dreamers weaves the story of business past and future, showing how and why management has evolved to its present state.

Stripping away some of the complex theories that have grown up around management over the years, this book unveils old doors to new money and provides examples of unchanging fundamental principles in management.

There are some lessons in business that last. Builders and Dreamers will show you how the practices and philosophies of modern management have evolved over time, demonstrating how the fundamental principles of management are essentially timeless. This book allows managers to use history to their advantage.

This is the story of our management past and future what management was, what management is and what management might be.

Generations of managers come and go. Certain principles remain. Principles that can provide wisdom. Principles that allow understanding. Principles that spark inspiration.

Builders and Dreamers will identify the lessons learned throughout past centuries of management and in doing so reduce uncertainty in the future. Many of the challenges managers face today have been faced before. There is no point in re-inventing the wheel at the expense of time, money and talent.

This book provides examples of unchanging, fundamental principles in management including:

  • Medici Bank, a medieval multinational M-form company
  • East India Company, described by Drucker as one of the world's greatest "knowledge companies"
  • Cistercian order of monks, masters of organization and innovation
  • the military "managers" who have defined our modern concepts of strategy.

Builders and Dreamers is more than just a history of management. It summarizes the practices, the beliefs, the traditions and the values that have brought managers and their corporations to greatness. It gives managers their heroes.

With this book you will learn:

  • where management has come and where it is going
  • how each aspect of management (from marketing to leadership) has developed to its current state
  • who were the pioneers and builders of the greatest profession
  • what does it mean to be a manager
  • why we should celebrate and respect the most popular modern career.

Author Bio

Morgen Witzel is a historian of management and writer on business. After taking a masters degree in Renaissance history from the University of Victoria, Canada in 1986, he emigrated to the UK and became a member of the research faculty at London Business School. He later spent five years at LBS helping to design and teach courses on business in China, and co-wrote a successful book, Doing Business in China. He has also worked with Durham University Business School and the Department of Trade and Industry.

At present, he is editor in chief of the journal Corporate Finance Review, and deputy editor of Mastering Management Review, published on the Web by the Financial Times, where he also writes the series Management A to Z. He is a partner in two businesses, Western Writers Block, which provides services to the publishing industry, and Carucate, a research consultancy. He is also the editor of the Biographical Dictionary of Management, an important reference work containing biographies of more than 600 management thinkers and practitioners from around the world.

296 pages

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