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wydawnictwo: WOODHEAD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

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Gas Trading Manual

Edited by David Long and Geoff Moore WOODHEAD PUBLISHING LIMITED

Gas Trading Manual is an important new trading handbook which has been designed to work in the same way as its successful and well-respected sister publication, Oil Trading Manual and is set to become the standard reference to the industry.

The manual is divided into four complementary parts

Part 1: Introduction to gas trading

    Covers the changing nature of the gas business, fundamentals of the market, supply and production, the different markets for gas and introduces the main trading instruments, including weather derivatives.

Part 2: European gas markets

    Examines the key role of the EU Gas Directive in changing the structure of the European gas market. Focuses on the prospects for competition in Continental Europe and the UK traded gas and goes on to deal in detail with the international petroleum exchange (IPE) natural gas futures contract, the standard OTC agreement, the On-the-day Commodity Market (OCM), the Network Code, and take or pay contracts and gas pricing.

Part 3: Administration

    Deals with the essential 'back-room' aspects of gas trading operations, including internal control frameworks, accounting for derivative instruments and the taxation of gas trading.

Part 4: Gas and Electricity

    Covers the important area of the role of gas in power generation and the convergence of the gas and electricity markets.

GTM is the first publication to provide a comprehensive, regularly-updated reference source on the structure and conduct of the international gas markets. The manual covers all the major gas trading instruments and their applications, the trading centres, contracts, uses and users, and the administrative, management, tax and accounting implications of participating in them.

Although GTM focuses initially on the UK and developing European gas markets, it is intended that future updates will extend its coverage to the US and elsewhere.

Compiled from the contributions of leading industry professionals, it is an indispensable practical companion for all those involved in the trading of gas.

About the editors

David Long is a Partner in Oxford Petroleum Research Associates (Opra) and specialises in the operation and development of oil and gas markets. He is a regular contributor to newsletters published by Petroleum Argus Ltd, and research reports published by the Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES) in London. His interests include the development and application of new trading techniques in the oil and gas industries and he has been involved in the preparation of training material on swaps and options and development of computer software for analysing oil price behaviour.

Geoff Moore began his career in the gas industry with British Gas and has considerable experience of gas purchasing and gas purchasing strategy. After privatisation he was actively involved in the development of gas trading markets, working in the US with Natural Gas Clearinghouse (NGC Corp), and then in the UK as Director of Strategy for Accord Energy, a joint venture by NGC Corp and British Gas, later acquired by Centrica. Since retiring from Accord he has been working as an independent consultant.

The contributors

Hanif Barma, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Stephen Barraclough, IPE
Simon Blakey, CERA
Michael Brothwood, Denton Wilde Sapte
Sally Clubley, Arktauros
Sangeet Dhanani, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Phil Greatrex, CW Energy
John Hawkshaw, Petroleum Economies Ltd.
Mike Madden, MJMCSL
Philip Nutman, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Neil O'Hara, Arthur Andersen
Eldon Pethybridge, Accord Energy
Rowland Sheard, Energy Links Consultancy
David Zimmermann, Miller and Chevalier
John S Levin, Miller and Chevalier
Alain Ahkong, Pioneer Associates Ltd.
Nick F White, MJMCSL


Part 1: Introduction to gas trading

Chapter 1: Changing nature of the gas trade
Geoff Moore



Gas market structures

Developing trading markets

Gas and electricity

Chapter 2: Fundamentals of the gas market
David Long

Characteristics of the gas market

Natural gas

Demand, supply and storage

Chapter 3: The geography of gas
John Hawkshaw


Supply envelopes



North America

Latin America

Liquefied natural gas (LNG)

Chapter 4: The different markets for gas
Philip Nutman


Continental Europe

United Kingdom

Chapter 5: Gas trading instruments
Sally Clubley


Spot contracts

Futures and forward contracts

OTC derivative contracts



Weather derivatives

Appendix: Glossary of gas trading terms

Part 2: European gas markets

Chapter 6: UK traded gas market
Geoff Moore


Growth factors

Current structure

Recent trends

Future developments

Chapter 7: Prospects for competition in Continental Europe
Simon Blakey


The EU Gas Directive and beyond

    Third party access: customer pressure

The UK-Continent Interconnector

The new European marketplace

Conclusion: 'Not gas, but ideology'

Chapter 8: IPE natural gas futures
Stephen Barraclough


The UK gas market

The IPE natural gas contract

Using natural gas futures

Delivering natural gas

Future developments

Appendix: IPE Natural Gas Futures Contract

Chapter 9: UK gas trading contracts
Eldon Pethybridge


Beach contracts: performance

NBP contracts

Price, billing and payment

Information and confidentiality




Zeebrugge trades


Appendix 9.1 NBP 1997 terms

Appendix 9.2 Short term beach trading terms and conditions

Chapter 10: OCM and the Network Code
Mike Madden and Nick F White


Operating under the Network Code

Imbalance and scheduling charges

On-the-day Commodity Market

Future of within-day trading


Chapter 11: Take or pay contracts
Michael Brothwood

Changing market structure

Take or pay clauses

Enforcement of take or pay obligation

Provisions of EU Gas Directive

Impact of EU competition law

Chapter 12: Gas pricing arrangements
Michael Brothwood


Price adjustment clauses

Price indexed gas markets

Price re-opener clauses

LNG pricing arrangements

Future developments

Part 3: Administration

Chapter 13: Running a gas trading business
Neil O'Hara


Energy trading and marketing

Internal control framework

Role of the gas trading function

Future developments

Chapter 14: Accounting
Hanif Barma and Sangeet Dhanani


Accounting guidance

General principles

Futures contracts

Forward contracts



Physical hedges

Disclosure requirments

Gas market issues


Chapter 15: Taxation of gas trading
Phil Greatrex


United Kingdom

United States (David Zimmermann & John S Levin)

Singapore (Alain Ahkong)

UK taxation of traded instruments

Appendix: Articles from the OECD model tax treaty

Part 4: Gas and electricity

Chapter 16: Gas in power generation
Rowland Sheard


Power generation technologies

Economics of gas-fired power generation

Gas contracts

UK electricity market

Other power markets

Chapter 17: Convergence of gas and electricity markets
Rowland Sheard


Forces for convergence

United Kingdom

Continental Europe

825 pages

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