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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie

cena netto: 154.00 Twoja cena  146,30 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The world of mass marketing is dead. Consumers in once captive markets are now free to roam the world looking for a better deal. For them broadcast doesn't work - you have to send them a message tailored to their needs; better yet, ask them a question.

Is your marketing strategy keeping up with these recent social and technological changes? Consumers have changed the way they think forever. Are you ready for your customers having a greater sense of empowerment and higher expectations?

This book will help you wrestle with the ever-growing demands of the technology-empowered customer. It will give you a solution to work towards, explain what has happened (in terms of strategy, the internet and marketing), where you stand and how you can gain a competitive advantage.

"We recommend The Future of Marketing to you as a virtual roadmap for the future of business."

Don Peppers & Martha Rogers, Ph.D., authors of The One to One Manager

236 pages

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