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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie

cena netto: 250.00 Twoja cena  237,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The work carried out by treasury operations and settlements has evolved beyond almost all recognition over recent years. It has developed into a critical administrative area where the processing of all financial market and related transactions takes place. In the past, much of the knowledge and skills needed by back-office professionals could be learnt on the job. Today, the growing use of technology and new theoretical ideas have increased the need for the adoption of educational tools and techniques.

ACI - The Financial Markets Association - provides educational programmes for new entrants to the profession and seasoned professionals that reflect the changing nature of the industry. Treasury Operations and Settlements is one of the ACI's core syllabus subjects and this book encapsulates the professional knowledge required to pass this exam.

Mastering Treasury Office Operations covers the foundations of back-office operations and introduces major future developments and innovations. It will provide you with the latest regulatory issues, procedures and protocols, and offers a general overview of the money markets. Divided into 12 comprehensive and easy-to-use chapters, the book will guide you through the various aspects of treasury operations, including the life of a deal, payments systems, the settlement of financial instruments, treasury risk and compliance and control.

This book is essential reading for those working in financial institutions, corporate treasury, back office, risk management and consulting firms, or auditors, regulators and finance students.

Mastering Treasury Office Operations forms part of the Market Editions series which is written by market professionals for the professional market - definitive practical advice direct from the cutting edge.

Mastering Treasury Office Operations will provide an enlightening and informative guide to back-office administration and includes:

  • a foreword from the President of ACI - The Financial Markets Association

  • a step-by-step guide through the life of key types of deals in the foreign exchange, money and derivatives markets

  • outlines of all the operational procedures that need to be followed

  • comprehensive analysis of various payment systems

  • explanations of effective strategies for settlement, compliance and control

  • an analysis of the increasing regulatory requirements

  • an in-depth overview of risk management needs

  • coverage of key future developments and innovations

  • a thorough guide to market terminology

  • extracts from the new ACI international Model Code of Conduct.

240 pages

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