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wydawnictwo: DUXBURY , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 130.00 Twoja cena  123,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Operations Anolysis Using Microsoft Excel

Streamline operations management -with Excel

Operations Anolysis Using Microsoft Excel provides practical insights into managerial decision-making with spreadsheets. The authors reveal Excel to be more than a powerful computational device. Nancy Weida, Ronny Richardson, and AndyVazsonyi prove that the creative use of Excel leads to better decision making and problem solving in the everyday world of business.Their approach focuses on topics for which the popular program is an excellent modeling tool.

The authors include many operations, finance, and marketing examples throughout to clearly and directly illustrate fundamental concepts. Using these well-chosen examples, the authors provide step-by-step instructions in how to solve multidimensional, lifelike problems with Excel. Students and professionals alike can see how operations problems are solved without specialized software.

In order to actively engage readers in learning and implementing the techniques taught, worksheets illustrating the exercises and examples are provided in an electronic format.

The Excel worksheets used in this book are available at the Data Library at www.duxbury.com

370 pages

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