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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2005, wydanie III

cena netto: 250.00 Twoja cena  237,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Economics of Money, Banking and Finance
A European Text

Brief Description

Assuming a basic grounding in economic principles and a familiarity with the IS/LM model, this book is ideally suited for use on a range of one and two semester courses in financial economics and money banking and finance courses on economics and business finance degrees. Also suitable for MA level.This book is specifically written to meet the needs of students who requires a rigorous grounding in financial economics theory, combined with institutional and policy discussion relevant to the 'real world' of economics of contemporary Europe.
This new edition has greater emphasis on international issues affecting financial markets whilst retaining its strong unifying theoretical perspective.and a unique comparative survey of financial systems in the UK, Germany, France, Italy and the USA. Thoroughly updated to incorporate recent developments in this discipline, this edition promises to be the best yet.


  • Comprehensive coverage of financial markets.
  • Strong, unifying theoretical perspective
  • Unique comparative survey of financial systems in the UK, Germany, France, Italy and the USA
  • Extensive coverage of major European policy issues relating to both economic theory and monetary integration and to regulation and innovation in financial markets.


Part I - Introduction
Part II - Financial Institutions and Systems
2: An introduction to financial systems - Murray Glickman
3: The UK financial system - Murray Glickman with Peter Howells
4: The US financial system
5: The German financial system
6: The French and Italian systems
7: Financial Systems in Northern Europe - Hans-Michael Trautwein
Part III - Theory
8: Portfolio theory
9: The level of interest rates
10: The structure of interest rates
11: The valuation of assets
12: Banks and the supply of money
13: The demand for money
14: Monetary policy
Part V - Markets
15: Money markets
16: Bond markets
17: Equity markets
18: Forex markets
19: Derivatives - the financial futures markets
20: Options, swaps and other derivatives
VI - Current issues
21: The single European market
22: The European Monetary System and monetary union
23: The European Central Bank and eurozone monetary policy
24: Financial innovation
25: Regulation of financial markets
26: Financial market efficiency
Key concepts
Questions for discussion
Further reading
Case studies 1-7

579 pages

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