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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Talent Magnet

Mike Johnson

Back Cover Copy

You might be the best manager in the world but you're only as good as the talent you have working for you. Where do you find it, how do you get it and how do you keep it? You become a talent magnet.

Talent Magnet is for every manager who has ever, or will ever, need to recruit staff and fight to hold onto them. As more and more line managers find themselves actively involved in the recruitment process, this book gives advice on how to hire and hold people. It is a guide to the strategies required to make your organization (and your piece of the business) a magnet for talent, today and tomorrow.

This book:

  • Looks at the issues that are causing massive change in our workplace and how we can turn these to our advantage.
  • Offers practical, workable suggestions for every manager from the CEO to the most junior executive with newly acquired people responsibilities on catching and keeping talent.

Why do some business units or teams within a company have the reputation as the places that attract the brightest and best, while others just don't have the same reputation. How can you make sure that your team, your unit, your division whether it's five or 500 has the best talent available?

Today, both corporations and individual managers must become talent magnets or they won't have enough good people to build the business of the future. Read this book and you'll be able to build your own systems for recruiting, motivating and retaining the people that will give your business true talent-driven competitive advantage.

Talent Magnet will help managers at all levels, in all industries recognize true talent. It gives a blueprint for crafting compelling employment offers that will ensure a flexible and diverse workforce.

Author Bio

Mike Johnson is one of Europe's leading communication consultants. He is the Managing Partner of Johnson & Jones, a corporate communications firm in Brussels and the UK, which he founded in 1982. He is a frequent speaker at business conferences and seminars on communications, human resources, and organizational strategy issues. In addition to his consulting activities he is author of Winning the People Wars (Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2001) and five other business books.

Table of ContentsIntroduction.
1.Talent magnets: Who Needs Them?
2.For Goodness Sake, Consider Your Reputation!
3. Talent Magnetism: People, Places, and Their pets.
4. Lighting Your Own Talent Beacon.
5. Setting Up the Talent Trap.
6. Other Aspects of Talent Magnetism.
7. The top manager's view of talent.
8. Building Tomorrow's Talent Trap.

262 pages

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