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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie III

cena netto: 190.00 Twoja cena  180,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Macroeconomics, 3ed

A European Text

Michael Burda, Professor of Macroecomics and Labour, Economics, Humboldt Univeristy, Berlin

Charles Wyplosz, Professor of Economics, Graduate Institute of International Studies, University of Geneva

  • New edition of the best-selling textbook on macroeconomics featuring economic data, timely examples, and lively case studies from both the European and global economic scene
  • Integration of theoretical approach alongside use of European and international examples makes this the ideal text for a general study of the principles of macroeconomics and how they apply in the real world
  • Fully updated to take into account new developments, including EMU and the European Central Bank, the new architecture of the international monetary system, and the growth of the 'new economy'
  • Also includes new material on inflation and labour economics, new and expanded data on supply side economics, and on financial assets and foreign exchange markets
  • Comes with a full set of excellent learning aids, including chapter overviews, key concept summaries, and end of chapter exercises
  • Extensive and regularly updated web site to accompany the book includes: PowerPoint lecture plans for each chapter, PowerPoint explanations of all figures, key derivations, calculations boxes, and plots in the text, detailed workings of problems from the book, cross-chapter questions and answers with background explanations, case material and empirical evidence, list of macroeconomic concepts and issues, and web links to other useful sites


  • 'In an increasingly crowded field, the latest edition of Burda and Wyplosz's best-selling text stands out for the breadth of its coverage, the clarity of its exposition, and the topicality of its examples. Students seeking a comprehensive guide to modern macroeconomics need look no further.' Charles Bean, Chief Economist, Bank of England
  • 'This excellent textbook not only brings together macroeconomics and its application to current issues, especially in Europe, it also demonstrates to students how fascinating macroeconomics can be.'Wolfgang Franz, Centre for European Economics Research and University of Mannheim
  • 'Burda and Wyplosz's textbook introduces the student to a balanced exposition of modern macroeconomics and teaches him or her how to think about the problems facing Europe today. It should be on the reading list of every European university and on those outside who want to see macroeconomics in action in this part of the world.' Christopher Pissarides, Professor, London School of Economics

Burda and Wyplosz provide comprehensive coverage of intermediate macroeconomics. The clarity and accessibility of the text, together with the use of numerous examples and case studies, combine to make the learning of macroeconomics as simple as possible and to make this new edition one of the finest teaching resources available for contemporary macroeconomics. Completely revised and updated, this new edition contains new material on economic growth, labour markets and unemployment, money supply, inflation, financial and exchange markets, and supply side policies.

Readership: Second year economists taking a compulsory core course in macroeconomics.


  • Part I Introduction to Macroeconomics
  • 1 What is Macroeconomics?
  • 2 Macroeconomic Accounts
  • Part II The Real Macroeconomy
  • 3 Economic Growth
  • 4 Labour Markets and Unemployment
  • 5 Intertemporal Budget Constraints
  • 6 Private Sector Demand: Consumption and Investment
  • 7 The Real Exchange Rate
  • Part III Money
  • 8 Money and the Demand for Money
  • 9 The Supply of Money and Monetary Policy
  • Part IV Macroeconomic Equilibrium
  • 10 Output, Employment, and Prices
  • 11 Aggregate Demand and Output
  • Part V Inflation and Business Cycles
  • 12 Aggregate Supply and Inflation
  • 13 Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
  • 14 Business Cycles
  • Part VI Macroeconomic Policy
  • 15 Fiscal Policy, Debt, and Seigniorage
  • 16 The Limits of Demand Management
  • 17 Supply-Side Policy
  • 18 Economic Growth: Theory and Policy
  • Part V11 Asset Markets and International Financial Architecture
  • 19 Asset Markets and Macroeconomics
  • 20 The Architecture of the International Monetary System

572 pages

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