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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 110.00 Twoja cena  104,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Knowledge Capitalism Business, Work, and Learning in the New Economy


"This book impresses with its breadth of coverage, its research detail and the synthesis of analysis. . . . it touches upon something important for many people work, its nature, its shortage for some, its changes and its future direction. Highly recommended" Dr John Burgess, University of Newcastle

Knowledge Capitalism reveals how the emerging knowledge-based economy is redefining firms, empowering individuals, and reshaping learning and work. Utilising economic and management theories and illustrations from leading companies, Knowledge Capitalism illuminates the business landscape and provides a practical tool-set for business managers and consultants to interpret and manage change in a rapidly changing economic environment.

Readership: General: Business managers, consultants, and general readers with an interest in the contemporary business environment. Academic: Undergraduate and graduate students of Business and Management Studies and other related social sciences courses;


  • Part 1: The Knowledge Revolution
  • 1 The Rise of Knowledge Capital
  • 2 Knowledge, the Firm, and the Market
  • 3 Beyond Employment: Towards a Model of Knowledge Supply
  • Part 2: Navigating Knowledge Markets
  • 4 From Jobs to Careers
  • 5 Mediators of Knowledge Supply
  • 6 Dependent Entrepreneurs
  • 7 Independent Entrepreneurs and Business Networks
  • Part 3: The Knowledge-Based Firm
  • 8 Redefining the Firm
  • 9 The Rewards for Knowledge
  • Part 4: The Knowledge Escalator
  • 10 The Learning Imperative
  • 11 The Transition to Knowledge Capitalism

250 pages

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