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Handbook of Organizational Learning and Knowledge

Meinolf Dierkes, Director of the Organization and Technology Research Unit, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Germany

Ariane Berthoin Antal, Program Leader in Organizational Learning, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), Germany,

John Child, Chair of Commerce, University of Birmingham; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Chinese Management Centre, University of Hong Kong

Ikujiro Nonaka, Professor in the Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University, and Professor of Knowledge, University of California, Berkeley


The book succeeds in taking the reader on a journey through the many diverse approaches, themes, issues and debates surrounding this field. European Business Forum

This handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the concept of Organizational Learning and related issues of knowledge in organizations. It explains its origins, current applications, and where it may be going. It provides a full account of varied disciplinary approaches, and discusses major issues in the field. With contributions from leading international experts, the book will be an invaluable resource for scholars, students, and professionals.

Readership: Academic: Scholars and students within the areas of management, public administration, organizational studies, sociology, political science, anthropology, and behavioural and institutional economics. Practitioner: consultants and business practitioners involved in organizational development, learning, and change


  • A. Berthoin Antal, M. Dierkes, J. Child, and I. Nonaka: Introduction: Finding Paths through the Handbook
  • Part I: Insights from Major Social Science Disciplines
  • 1 G. W. Maier, C. Prange, and L. von Rosenstiel: Psychological Perspectives on Organizational Learning
  • 2 S. Gherardi and D. Nicolini: The Sociological Foundations of Organizational Learning
  • 3 P. Pawlowsky: The Treatment of Organizational Learning in Management Science
  • 4 C. Boerner, J. T. Macher and D. J. Teece: A Review and Assessment of Organizational Learning in Economic Theories
  • 5 B. Czarniawska: Anthropology and Organizational Learning
  • 6 J. LaPalombara: The Underestimated Contributions of Political Science to Organizational Learning
  • 7 J. Fear: Thinking Historically about Organizational Learning
  • Part II: External Triggers for Learning
  • 8 L. von Rosenstiel and S. Koch: Change in Socioeconomic Values as a Trigger of Organizational Learning
  • 9 J. Kädtler: Social Movements as Triggers for Organizational Learning
  • 10 H. Merkens, M. Geppert, and D. Antal: Triggers of Organizational Learning during the Transformation Process in Central European Countries
  • 11 J. Stopford: Organizational Learning as Guided Responses to Market Signals
  • 12 M. Dierkes, L. Marz, and C. Teele: Technological Visions, Technological Development, and Organizational Learning
  • Part III: Factors and Conditions Shaping Organizational Learning
  • 13 J. Child and S. Heavens: The Social Constitution of Organizations and its Implications for Organizational Learning
  • 14 W. Starbuck and B. Hedberg: How Organizations Learn from Success and Failure
  • 15 C. Weber and A. Berthoin Antal: The Role of Time in Organizational Learning
  • 16 K. Scherer and V. Tran: Effects of Emotions on the Process of Organizational Learning
  • Part IV: Agents of Organizational Learning
  • 17 V. Friedman: The Individual as Agent of Organizational Learning
  • 18 P. Sadler: Leaders as Agents of Organizational Learning
  • 19 R. Tainio, K. Lilja, and T. Santalainen: The Role of Boards in Facilitating or Limiting Learning in Organizations
  • 20 A. Drinkuth, C. Riegler, and R. Wolff: Labor Unions as Agents of Organizational Learning
  • 21 A. Berthoin Antal and C. Krebsbach-Gnath: Consultants as Agents of Organizational Learning: The importance of marginality
  • Part V: Processes of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Creation
  • 22 I. Nonaka, R. Toyama, and P. Byosiere: A Theory of Organizational Knowledge Creation: Understanding the dynamic process of creating knowledge
  • 23 B. Büchel and S. Raub: Media Choice and Organizational Learning
  • 24 B. Hedberg and R. Wolff: Organizing, Learning, and Strategizing: From construction to delivery
  • 25 J. LaPalombara: Power and Politics in Organizations: Public and private sector comparisons
  • 26 J. Rothman and V. Friedman: Identity, Conflict, and Organizational Learning
  • 27 A. Kieser, N. Beck, and R. Tainio: Rules and Organizational Learning: The behavioural theory approach
  • Part V: Processes of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Global Context
  • 28 K. Macharzina, M. J. Oesterle, and D. Brodel: Learning in Multinationals
  • 29 J. Child: Learning Through Strategic Alliances
  • 30 M. Lyles: Organizational Learning in International Joint Ventures
  • 31 C. Lane: Organizational Learning in Supplier Networks
  • 32 L. S. Tsui-Auch: Learning in Global and Local Networks: Experience of Chinese firms in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan
  • 33 B. Hedberg and M. Holmqvist: Learning in Imaginary Organizations
  • Part VII: Developing Learning Practices
  • 34 V. Friedman, R. Lipshitz, and W. Overmeer: Creating Conditions for Organizational Learning
  • 35 P. Pawlowsky, J. Förslin, and R. Reinhardt: Practices and Tools of Organizational Learning
  • 36 R. Reinhardt, M. Bornemann, P. Pawlowsky, and U. Schneider: Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management: Perspectives on Measuring Knowledge
  • Part VIII: Putting Knowledge into Practice
  • 37 I. Nonaka, P. Reinmöller, and R. Toyama: Integrated IT Systems for Knowledge Creation
  • 38 G. Galer and K. van der Heijden: Scenarios and their Contribution to Organizational Learning: From Practice to Theory
  • 39 A. Berthoin Antal, U. Lenhardt, and R. Rosenbrock: Barriers to Organizational Learning
  • 40 C. Krebsbach-Gnath: Applying Theory to Organizational Transformation
  • 41 C. de Haën, L. S. Tsui-Auch, and M. Alexis: Multimodal Organizational Learning: From misbehaviour to good laboratory practices in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Part IX: Conclusion
  • 42 A. Berthoin Antal, M. Dierkes, J. Child, and I. Nonaka: Organizational Learning and Knowledge: Reflections on the dynamics of the field and challenges for the future

1000 pages

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