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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 100.00 Twoja cena  95,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The EU, the WTO and the NAFTA - Towards a Common Law of International Trade

Edited by J. H. H. Weiler, Manley Hudson Professor and Jean Monnet Chair, Harvard University


'this is an excellent, thought-provoking collection of essays which can be read with profit by both European and international lawyers. There has been much discussion coparing the institutional stuctures of the EU and the WTO, in particular about whether one can speak of the "constitution" of the WTO. This volume concentrates rather on the substantive law of the two organisations. This departure is to be welcomed.' Matthew Happold International and Comparative Law Quarterly

This volume, built on a recent series of courses at the Academy of European Law, Florence, addresses the overlapping regulatory trade regimes of the WTO, the EU and the NAFTA. The various contributions deal with discrete areas of the international trading system each placing considerable emphasis on the interlocking nature of the various components of that system. The co-existence of regimes, often governing simultaneously complex transnational transactions, is the focus of the volume.

Readership: Scholars and practitioners interested in international trade law; in European integration, in international relations generally. Libraries and reference.


  • J.H.H. Weiler: Introduction: Cain and Abel - Convergence and Divergence in International Trade Law
  • 1 Marise Cremona: EC External Commercial Policy after Amsterdam: Authority and Interpretation within Interconnected Legal Orders
  • 2 Robert Howse: Adjudicative Legitimacy and Treaty Interpretation in International Trade Law: The Early Years of WTO Jurisprudence
  • 3 Jacques H. J. Bourgeois: The European Court of Justice and the WTO: Problems and Challenges
  • 4 Joanne Scott: On Kith and Kine (and Crustaceans): Trade and Environment in the EU and WTO
  • 5 Frederick M. Abbott: The North American Integration Regime and its Implications for the World Trading System
  • J.H.H. Weiler: Epilogue: Towards a Common Law

230 pages

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