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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 420.00 Twoja cena  399,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

International Economic Law

Andreas Lowenfeld, Herbert and Rose Rubin Professor of International Law at New York University


This treatise presents a comprehensive exploration of the legal foundations of the international economy. Covering all aspects of international economic law, such as the GATT/WTO, the International Monetary System, transnational investment and economic sanctions, this book will be of interest to international lawyers and non-specialists alike.

Readership: Academics and students interested in international law and the international economy


  • I. International Economic Law
  • 1 Economic Law and the Laws of Economics
  • 2 Money, Exchange Rates, and the Balance of Payments
  • II. The GATT/WTO System
  • 3 The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: Origins and Overview
  • 4 Evolution of the GATT and GATT Law
  • 5 The GATT/WTO System after the Uruguay Round
  • 6 The General Agreement on Trade in Services
  • III. Dispute Resolution
  • 7 Dispute Resolution in GATT, 1948-1994
  • 8 Dispute Resolution in the WTO
  • IV. The Rules of International Trade in Detail
  • 9 Subsidies
  • 10 Dumping and Anti-Dumping
  • 11 Regional Arrangements
  • V. Beyond the World Trade Organization
  • 12. Trade and the Environment
  • 13 International Competition Law
  • VI. International Investment and the Developing Countries
  • 14 Changing Attitudes Toward Transnational Investment
  • 15 Developing Countries and Special Differential Treatment
  • VII. The International Monetary System
  • 16 The Bretton Woods System
  • 17 The International Monetary Fund as Amended
  • 18 Other Institutions of the International Monetary System
  • 19 The International Monetary System and Regional Crises
  • 20 The Euro and Monetary Integration
  • VIII. Economic Controls for Political Ends
  • 21 United Nations Sanctions
  • 22 Economic Sanctions without Benefit of Treaty
  • IX. A Look Back and a Look Ahead
  • 23 Concluding Observations

550 pages

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