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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 585.00 Twoja cena  555,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

(Special Offer: Discount 50% of the price)

EC Customs Law

Timothy Lyons, Barrister of Inner Temple and Lincoln's Inn and of King's Inn, Dublin


EC Customs Law places duty law in its broader international and EC context. It considers the fundamental concepts of the customs union, the Community Customs Code, the implementing regulations, and the Tariff. Customs procedures, approved uses, and treatments are dealt with along with the customs debt and reliefs from duty, repayment and remission of duty, and customs appeal.

Readership: Trade law and customs duty practitioners; government officials and policy-makers; scholars and students of trade and customs law.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 The Customs Union in its Community Context
  • 3 Fundamental Concepts of the Customs Union
  • 4 The Customs Union: Legislation and Administration
  • 5 The Common Customs Tariff: Administration and Interpretation
  • 6 International Arrangements and Agreements
  • 7 The Origin of Goods
  • 8 The Valuation of Goods
  • 9 Customs Entry and Declaration
  • 10 Customs Procedure and Approved Uses and Treatments
  • 11 Inward and Outward Processing
  • 12 The Customs Debt and Reliefs from Duty
  • 13 Repayment, Remission, and Appeals
  • 14 Planning for the Future

650 pages

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