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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Secrets of Customer Relationship Management

IN TODAYS WORLD of multinationals and superstores, small businesses continue to survive and thrive by establishing and maintaining genuine, personal relationships with their customers based on each customer's unique personality, needs, wants, and expectations. Many of today's large organizations feel this type of interpersonal relationship is beyond their grasp, and therefore don't even try to understand the deeply held thoughts and feelings of their customers. The resulting customer base is alienated, rootless and lost to every competitor's rebate or coupon that comes along.

Secrets of Customer Relationship Management explores the emotional side of a customer's attachment to a specific companyyour company, for example and discusses how organizations of all sizes can develop and strengthen that attachment using techniques similar to the time-honored strategies of the corner grocer. It provides an in-depth understanding of what customers actually mean to a business; and, conversely, what a business must mean to an individual customer to maximize its marketplace position and long-term success.

Examining case studies of smaller businesses that have succeeded in developing long-term relationships, and explaining how these personalized approaches can be adopted by corporations of any size, Secrets of Customer Relationship Management explores:

Guidelines for measuring the concepts of value, customer satisfaction, and customer relationships

Red flags to identify and stop risks or threats to successful relationships

An innovative model of the factors that drive customer satisfaction, from price and product quality to customers' perceptions of how they've been treated, to the negative and positive emotions that are created through their interaction with the firm

Strategies for developing brand relationships where customer contact is infrequent or nonexistent

How to create and add value for the customer from the perspective of the customer

Customers are the financial lifeblood of every business. But to see a customer as simply a number or line on a sales graph is to miss the fundamental importance of that customer to a business and, conversely, the importance of the business to the customer. Before you implement a costly customer relationship management program, let Secrets of Customer Relationship Management help you determine what you want that relationship to be and, just as important, how that relationship should feel from the customer's point of view.

companies, and is executive vice president and former chairman of The Bristol Group, an integrated marketing communications and information consultancy with clients throughout North America and Europe. Dr. Barnes is the author of six books, including the bestselling textbook Fundamentals of Marketing (now in its ninth edition), and regularly delivers management courses and seminars in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. In 1997 he was named an inaugural winner of the Financial Post Leaders in Management Education Award, and in 1999 he was elected a Fellow of the Professional Marketing Research Society of Canada. His client list includes Molson, CIBC, Kraft Foods Canada, eircom, An Post, North Limited, and Tesco.

316 pages

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