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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 180.00 Twoja cena  171,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Bright Stuff, The: How Innovative People and Technology Can Make the Old Economy New

Back Cover Copy

The Internet hype is over! But there is no going back to business as usual.

The real winners in the Internet age will be the old economy firms that seize the opportunities offered by the Internet and integrate its possibilities into their existing business.

But how do you make a mammoth run like a gazelle? The Bright Stuff shares with you the secrets of successful innovation so that you can learn the skills and attitudes of the digital economy innovators.

From now on, innovation is going to be imperative not just for growth, but for survival. This book will show you how to integrate your hard-headed, established business capabilities with the of nimble-footed start-ups. This may seem like a tall order, but examples in this book such as GM, Charles Schwab, and Merrill Lynch prove that it can be done. This is the "bright stuff" - the potential of the Internet waiting to be explored and exploited by you!

Companies need to think fast and think fresh. They need The Bright Stuff.

All industries are changing dramatically. Innovation is now critical for survival. Incumbent leaders are fighting back to retain their positions in the emerging marketplace - they are becoming innovative.

The Bright Stuff lays out the framework and action agenda for Internet-enabled innovation in your business. With this book you can create business models that exploit the true potential of the technologies available.

You will learn from detailed research carried out by INSEAD's eLab, looking at how traditional businesses were attacked by more innovative start-ups and how they have fought back. Detailed case studies of GM, Auto-by-Tel, Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Wal-Mart, Charles Schwab, E TRADE, and Merrill Lynch give sound evidence of how you can take advantage of The Bright Stuff.

Author Bio

Arnoud De Meyer is the Akzo Nobel Fellow in Strategic Management and Dean of the Asia Campus at INSEAD. His research interests include international R&D strategy, manufacturing strategy and Internet-enabled innovation. He is the co-author of Benchmarking for Global Manufacturing (Business One Irwin, 1992).

Soumitra Dutta is the Roland Berger Chaired Professor of E-Business and Information Technology and Dean of Technology and E-Learning at INSEAD. His research interests include electronic commerce, Internet-based learning and process reengineering. His most recent publication is Embracing the Net: Get .Competitive (Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2001).

Sandeep Srivastava is the co-founder and CEO of IYCWorld.com, an Application Service Provider in India. He has an MBA from INSEAD. Previously he was an IT entrepreneur and worked for IT companies in India and Saudi Arabia. He is the co-author of Embracing the Net:Get .Competitive (Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2001).

250 pages

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