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Concise Oxford Dictionary

The Greatest Exploration of English Ever Undertaken

Oxford the world leader in authenticating new words and describing language has developed the most rigorous research programme in operation anywhere in the world today.

Total Language Accessibility

For more than 100 years, Oxford's hallmarks of integrity and authority have been adapted to meet the changing needs of dictionary users. Today, with a dramatically more open style, Oxford dictionaries offer total language accessibility and many new benefits.

Tracking the growth of English worldwide lies at the heart of this, the world's greatest language research programme and the most comprehensive one in operation in the world today. On average 18,000 examples of new words, idioms, and phrases are collected every month by a 60-strong international network of readers.

The Oxford Special Subject Advisers Once sufficient evidence for a new word has been collected, a new entry is prepared. Specialist lexicographers research the meaning and origin of the word, and consult the panel of Oxford Special Subject Advisers, a 150-strong international consultative body working in some of the world's greatest institutions, universities, and companies.

Finalized new entries are deposited with The Oxford Bank of New Words, the database that feeds new? editions of all Oxford dictionaries and which, typically, holds over 3,000 properly authenticated entries at any one time.

The British National Corpus

How are the words of our language actually used? What are the most frequently used meanings of common words? To answer such questions accurately Oxford uses The British National Corpus, an unrivalled balanced collection of 100 million words of text representing every kind of writing and speech in English. Using rapid computer search-and-analysis techniques, Oxford lexicographers can answer the most complex language queries.

Oxford's new quick-access page designs offer clear margins, with special typefaces and symbols to ensure exceptional clarity. Paper and binding styles are carefully selected for their durability.

Every definition is based on wide scrutiny of actual evidence, drawn from millions of unique citations to create the clearest possible explanations.

Wide-Ranging Information Whether it is encyclopedic entries in mainstream dictionaries, special new word inserts, Factfinders, ready-reference data, or thematic tables, Oxford dictionaries offer a wide range of ancillary information.

The Best Range in the World Whatever type of dictionary whether for native speakers, children, or learners; on paper or CD-ROM; in English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Latin, Greek, Arabic, Turkish, Portuguese, Hungarian, Hindi, Gujarati, or Chinese Oxford offers the most trusted range available anywhere in the world.

This is a unique word-help centre set up to answer special language-related questions raised by teachers, writers, specialist institutes, and everyday native speakers of English worldwide.

Over 240,000 entries and definitions

1780 pages

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