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wydawnictwo: DRYDEN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

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Customer Behavior and Beyond


Customer Behavior: Consumer Behavior 6 Beyond

This is a book about the behavior of customers around the world. It is comprehensive I in its coverage, managerial in its focus, global in its orientation, and innovative in its organization and presentation. It dwells on the traditional issues in the field, and then extends them to emerging topics both in theory and practice. The book goes beyond the conventional subject matter of "consumer behavior" textbooks in four ways:

It covers the behaviors of customers both in the household market and the business market. The term customer is used to apply to both the individual household members as well as business units who buy products and services in the market.

As examined in Chapter 2, the person who pays for the product or service is not always the user, nor is the user always the buyer. This book reaches beyond the usual scope of this field by focusing not only on the buyer but also on the role of the user and the payer. The authors recognize that a person may play one or more of the three customer roles: user, payer, and buyer. Each role makes the person a customer.

The book adopts a managerial, action-oriented approach to the study of customer behavior. It makes a connection between customer behavior principles and the elements of marketing strategy, allowing students to see how an understanding of customer behavior is crucial to successful marketing programs.

The book also casts its view beyond packaged consumer goods which dominate mass media advertising. In illustrations and applications, we constantly draw upon both products and services, consumers and business customers, and the domestic and international marketplaces.

A New Orientation: Customer Values

Customer Behavior: Consumer Behavior and Beyond has adopted a new perspective and framework: customer values. In this perspective, all customer behavior is deemed to be driven by the market values customers seek. Six values are proposed, two for each role. For each role, there is a "universal" value category, sought by all customers, and a "personal" value category, sought by customers as individuals. Specifically, for the user, the universal value is performance; personal value is a social/emotional value. For the buyer, the universal value is service value; personal value is convenience and personalization;

and for the payer, the universal value is price value, and personal value is credit and financing. This framework is used throughout to explain the significance of all concepts to diverse customers. The practice of marketing is shifting from a transaction focus to a relationship marketing orientation, and the kingpin of this orientation is the long-term customer retention. We believe that the six-values framework offers marketers an avenue to the practice of relationship orientation and, as a result, to achieving customer satisfaction and retention.


While striving for uniqueness in content and the three-customer-roles framework, the book is organized for easy understanding.

Following Chapter 1, which sets the tone and motivation for customer behavior as a field of study, Chapters 2 and 3 present the three customer roles and six values framework for easy grasp. The rest of the chapters cover conventional as well as new topics in a fashion familiar to most teachers of consumer behavior.

Part Two focuses on the determinants of customer behavior including trends in these determinants: this section examines the "external influences" on the customer e.g., climate, economy, public policy, technology, culture, reference-groups, age, gender, and race.

Part Three, the mind-set of the customer, examines the "internal influences" on customer behavior-e.g., perceptions, learning, motivation, personality, and attitudes.

Part Four, customer decision making, examines the choice process of customers, including the growing body of literature on consumer information processing. A separate chapter is devoted to the decision making of individuals, households, business and government organizations, and,, uniquely to this book, retailers and buying clubs as customers.

The final section. Part Five, is focused on customer behavior topics with direct relevance to managerial action: here brand and store loyalty are discussed both from customer motivations and potential managerial response standpoints; the new and still emerging field of relationship marketing is reviewed from the customer's point of view- the discussion examines how and why household and business customers engage in relationship-based buying, and how marketers may respond to this emergent customer behavior. The final chapter identifies a set of action strategies for management to deliver each of the specific values sought by the three customer roles.

Each topic, whether traditional or new, is presented with the most current body of knowledge. Where knowledge is still emerging or gaps exist in the current literature, we develop new frameworks and concepts, extending the frontiers of knowledge of the field. The textbook is enriched with topics new to the field, and unprecedented in their comprehensive treatment. In this aspect, the book is unique: it educates the student mind with well established knowledge, and then it piques student curiosity to question and explore the still-brewing pot of emergent knowledge.


Customer Behavior: Consumer Behavior and Beyond also goes beyond the conventional subject matter by examining such issues as:

The notable influence of our physical environment: climate, topography, and ecology

Government buying behavior

Researching customer behavior

Intermediary customer decisions such as resellers, buying clubs, and membership groups

Relationship-based buying, reverse marketing, and supplier partnering

Strategies for creating customer values

Trends in customer behavior, such as anticipated developments in economic, technological, and public policy environment worldwide

794 pages

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