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wydawnictwo: DRYDEN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie II

cena netto: 220.00 Twoja cena  209,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

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Our vision in writing this book is to offer a strategy text that will introduce students to the field of strategic management and excite them about the dynamic nature of the business world. Today's business students are tomorrow's business leaders, so it's appropriate that the most distinctive feature of the book is its emphasis on general managers. The text builds on recent developments in the management research literature and Peter Senge's book, The Fifth Discipline, to highlight the important role of managers in the formulation and implementation of strategy. The text's organizing framework suggests that managers' mental models their beliefs and understandings influence strategic decision making. The text then examines how managers' decisions and their firms' resulting strategies can lead to the development of unique resources and capabilities that can be the source of sustained competitive advantage and high performance.

Three key themes are emphasized throughout the text and further reinforced in the cases;

First, this book places managers at center stage by focusing on how managerial thinking influences strategy formulation and implementation. Because managers make the decisions that form the basis of strategies, the only way to understand and fully appreciate the strategy formulation and implementation processes is to examine the thinking that causes managers to make a particular set of decisions rather than some other set of decisions. The text draws on the latest concepts and theories from management practice and academic research to examine managerial thinking and decision making.

The text also emphasizes the importance of change and the need to think dynamically about strategic management. Strategies that are effective today will almost certainly be ineffective in the future because companies do not enjoy the luxury of competing in static worlds. Demographic changes produce new customer needs and wants, while the emergence of new technologies leads to the development of new products and services, so firms' industry environments are constantly changing. One entire chapter of the text (Chapter 5) is devoted to exploring the ongoing evolution of industry environments.

Finally, the book underscores the importance of organizational learning. Knowledge resides in organizations in the heads of managers and employees, in routines and standard operating procedures, and in the equipment and technologies that are employed. As the business world becomes increasingly knowledge-intensive, the ability to learn, store, retrieve, and exploit new knowledge and information will become a key source of competitive advantage. The book therefore examines how managers can mobilize the knowledge residing in employees and in organizational capabilities and processes to develop and maintain competitive advantage.

Discussion is included on topics such as the problems associated with price competition, the use of litigation as a competitive weapon, the unique challenges of service businesses, and the limitations of boards or directors.

890 pages

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