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wydawnictwo: NICHOLAS BREALEY , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 80.00 Twoja cena  76,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Reengineering the Corporation

The million copy international bestseller, now revised and updated for the new century

Already a business classic, this international bestseller has now been extensively revised and updated with a new Introduction for the new economy Hammer and Champy helped to create.

Reengineering the Corporation describes how the radical redesign of a company's processes, organization and culture can achieve a quantum leap in performance, helping corporations save millions more, raise their customer satisfaction still higher, and grow ever more nimble.

But if you think that reengineering once was enough, think again. In the 1990s, reengineering was implemented in the back office, the factory and the warehouse. For the new century it is being applied to the front office and the revenue-producing side of the business: product development, sales and marketing.

The new wave of reengineering is breaking down the walls that separate corporations from each other. Processes do not stop at corporate doorsteps. Product development, planning and many other processes are really inter-enterprise in nature:

entailing work by both customer and supplier. Ws;-,

This new edition contains an entirely new set of case studies with a focus on three well-known companies - Duke Power, IBM and Deere - whose leadership positions at the end of the 1990s are due in no'small part to their reengineering programmes.

Business Week dubbed the implementation of e-commerce 'e-engineering'. The internet demands new ways of working, and reengineering is the tool that can create them.

"Business reengineering does not sound revolutionary, but it is. Mike Hammer and Jim Champy explain why and show how it is done and they do it crisply and cogently. If you want your business to survive you should read this book." Charles Handy

Dr Michael Hammer introduced the concept of reengineering in his seminal Harvard Business Review article 'Reengineering Work: Don,t Automate, Obliterate'. He was named one of the four preeminent management thinkers of the 1990s by Business M/ee/cand one of America's twenty-five most influential individuals by Time.

Shames Champy is a leading practitioner of reengineering and chairman Perot systems consulting practice. He works with major companies in reinventing their operations for the Digital Age.

256 pages

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