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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL PRO. , rok wydania 2000, wydanie I

cena netto: 215.00 Twoja cena  204,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Only from McGraw-Hill: an easy-to-read, soup-to-nuts communications encyclopedia for everyone in the field--now more current than ever. Puts readers in touch with all the major technologies and architectures through more than 250 detailed entries, all accompanied by concept-clarifying illustrations. This edition has over 50 new in-depth articles, including Voice over IP, WLL, video streaming, and updates to another 100 entries.

*****[Five stars] 'All telecommunications developers and engineers must have it...it's also a great student tool.'****[Four Stars]'Clear, nontechnical descriptions of telecommunications terminology and concepts are what the reader can expect from this title.'--Reader reviews from Amazon.comExplanations, not just definitions.Desktop Encyclopedia of TelecommunicationsSecond EditionWant detailed, illustrated articles on telecom topics that you want to understand, not merely 2- or 3-sentence definitions? This new edition of Nathan Muller's Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications explains telecom technologies, terms, and architectures in everyday English, with clear diagrams.Open the Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications and find:250 readable, up-to-date articles on topics from access charges and multimedia networking to voice-date convergence and the World Wide Web.50 completely new entries on subjects such as bandwidth management systems, local multipoint distribution services, and voice over IP.150 illustrations.Details on LANs, WANs, voice, data, regulations, and standards.Easy-to-use alphabetical organization.Desktop Encyclopedia of Telecommunications is the ideal vehicle for getting and staying up to speed with the rapid changes in telecom. Written by a recognized expert and author, it's the only complete telecom encyclopedia. Keep it on your desktop for a smoother journey into telecom's future.Alternative Exchange PointsAnalog Line Impairment TestingARCnetAsset ManagementBridgesCall Detail ReportingCellular CommunicationsCentrexCode Division Multiple AccessComputer-Telephony IntegrationDialing ParityDigital Data ServicesElectronic MailFiber in the LoopFirewallsFrame RelayGlobal Positioning SystemHome Phoneline NetworkingInterexchange CarriersIntegrated Access DevicesInternet-Enabled Mobile PhonesJitterLAN TelephonyLocal Number PortabilityMultimedia NetworkingNetwork Design ToolsObject-Oriented NetworksOpen Network ArchitecturePacket-Switched NetworksPagingPassive Optical NetworksProtocol AnalyzersRadio Communications InterceptionRequest for ProposalRemote NodeSatellite CarrierService Creation EnvironmentService Level AgreementsSpectrum AuctionsTariffsTCP/IPTelephone FraudUnbundled AccessUniversal MessagingVirtual Private NetworksVoice MailVoice RecognitionWorld Trade OrganizationMuch More

1113 pages

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