The wireless communications industry is growing rapidly.
Newcomers and oldtimers alike need help to catch up, and they will find it in this book:
answers to the most frequently asked questions; new technologies and nomenclatures covered
in detail; quick answers to key, specific questions; all of wireless, including RF and
network issues. The tabbed interior design for easy lookup makes this the perfect desk
Reader-Friendly Facts*Need-to-know, quick-scan wireless
answers *Readers' favorite FAQ format*Coverage of the entire field*Cellular and
PCS*Technology and network specifics, in plain English*Radio, networks, real estate, and
implementation with design and performance guidelines*250 illustrations*Expert author*Crib
course in wireless basicsWireless Telecom Answers in a FlashNow wireless newcomers and
veterans alike can find all the get-ahead answers on technology and networking basics they
need-in an easy-access, frequently asked question (FAQ) format. You'll find simply
written, technically sound guidance on networks, radio systems, implementation,
frequencies, filters, antennas, real estate, design, traffic engineering, and performance.
For anyone in-or interested in-wireless telecom, this brilliantly organized book tops
them all.
432 pages