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wydawnictwo: DUXBURY , rok wydania 1996, wydanie I

cena netto: 265.00 Twoja cena  251,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective

Donald A. Berry Duke University


Appropriate for a one-term introductory statistics course, this text introduces statistical concepts and methods from a predominantly Bayesian perspective. It covers standard topics taking the Bayesian view that subjectivity is inevitable in science and that different conclusions from the same study are normal and stresses the advantages of this approach in scientific inference. It presents statistics as a means of integrating data into the scientific process and stresses data analysis and experimental design ideas early.


Uncommonly interesting, real-world examples, including case studies with data from experiments concerning scientific questions.

Applications drawn largely from medicine and sports, because both yield intrinsically effective data for teaching statistics.

Chapter appendices that provide specific instructions for running exercises on MINITAB?. The data disk also contains MINITAB macros for that purpose.

516 pages

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