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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 105.00 Twoja cena  99,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


How to Survive and Thrive in the Coming Wave of Deflation

"In the early 1980s, Shilling was one of the first to raise the possibility of disinflation ... At the time, he was considered extreme, but that's just what happened. Now he's considered extreme once again. We'll see..." Terry Savage, Personal Finance Columnist hicago Sun-Times

"You have to listen to Shilling, who is a consulting economist and columnist fo r Forbes. He was the first of the prominent U.S. economists to see the winding dow n of inflation... In 1973, he was almost alone in forecasting a deep, worldwide recession... In early 1988, he predicted that the 1990s in Japan would be like the 1930s i n the United States at the time, an astonishing forecast. It turned out to be right..." Don Bauder, Financial Columnist San Diego Union-Tribune

"After tracking Gary Shilling for over a quarter century, I do not know of any econ omist who scored more bull's eyes on major turns in the economy which ultimate! y affected the stock market. Ignore him if you will, and lament the ravages o f deflation later." Charles Allmon, President Growth Stock Outlook

"There are lots of economists making predictions these days about tile future cours e of the global economy, but few are doing the research to get it right. With a clea r sense of how the prospect of deflation is dramatically changing the economic envi -ronment for consumers, companies, and countries, Gary Shilling stresses th e importance of growth." Jerry Jasinowski, President National Association of Manufacturers

338 pages

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