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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 230.00 Twoja cena  218,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

M&A Integration

Mergers and acquisitions, by their very nature, can provide companies with new capabilities, technologies, and products; immediate entry into new markets; and lower operating costs through consolidation of resources. Yet often overlooked in the optimism and excitement of making the deal are the challenges of combining two ongoing enterprises into one. From clashes in culture, style, and egos to the natural organizational resistance to change, far too many otherwise healthy mergers fall victim to the minefield of postmerger integration.

The ultimate cost of this oversight? Lost opportunity, diminished shareholder value, and significant trauma to shareholders, employees, and, most importantly, to the company itself.

M&A Integration provides a practical and easy-to-follow framework for managing and directing each step in the volatile integration process. It reveals how today's most dynamic corporations are able to successfully blend disparate cultures, management processes, and organizational structures, and achieve the ultimate goal of all M&A participants increased shareholder value and a stronger, more competitive organization. It reviews all the management and human resource aspects of integration, explaining how to master each in the process.

  • Written by one of today's most skilled and respected M&A integration experts, this step-by-step guidebook for postmerger success covers:
  • The importance of laying the groundwork for integration during the initial stages of the transaction
  • Effective tools for ensuring successful organizational cultural assessment and integration
  • Proven techniques for maintaining open lines of communication and for limiting anxiety and anger among employees, customers, distributors, and investors
  • Strategies for deciding which key executives, managers, and employees to keep, and for ensuring their retention and continued success I Approaches for successfully building integrated teams
  • Methods for ensuring continuous improvement of the integration process

David M. Schweiger, DBA, is the Buck Mickel/Fluor Daniel Professor at the Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina, adjunct professor at EM Lyon in France, and president of the strategic management consulting firm Schweiger and Associates. He has assisted executives of numerous companies in successfully managing the M&A integration process. The coauthor of Strategic Management Skills, Dr. Schweiger is the international strategic management editor of Journal of World Business. His work has been widely published in professional journals' including Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Human Resource Planning, and Organizational Dynamics.

284 pages

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