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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 240.00 Twoja cena  228,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Trading on Volume

Technical researchers and traders tend to focus almost exclusively on price action. Fundamental traders, on the other hand, rely on company and stock valuation. Yet it is trading volume that is as important, if not more important, in understanding and forecasting price movements even though it is consistently ignored by all but a few knowledgeable individuals.

Trading on Volume explains how changes in volume can actually disclose the amount and type of interest in a stock and help you determine where the price is going next. More than just a superficial treatment, it is a comprehensive study and analysis of behavioral finance as it relates to trading volume, conventional views on volume from TRIN and tick to Up/Down Volume/Price combinations, and innovative techniques for understanding volume and using it to your advantage in virtually any market environment.

Volume data holds a rich body of practical information. Let Trading on Volume show you how to uncover and use that information to achieve better buy and sell prices, as you exercise greater control over the inherent risks involved in trading. Topics covered include:

Indicators for understanding if lower volume is bullish or bearish, and why

How to use intraday trading statistics to compute where pressure is coming from, and when and how sharply it might be changing

Techniques to dissect the aftermath of a volume-spike day and gauge the behavior of late-coming participants

Ways to judge when a downside spike might accurately reflect long-term reality or instead represents a long-term buying opportunity

Beyond the many difficult-to-measure factors in today's fast-moving markets, it is simple supply and demand that drive stock prices. Trading on Volume shows you how to use that one unarguable fact to your advantage. Regardless of your overall technique or strategy, it will supply you with the knowledge you need to pinpoint the rise, climax, and fall of the activity of market participants, then use that knowledge to buy near market bottoms and sell near tops with unprecedented consistency and accuracy.


DONALD CAS SIDY is senior research analyst and manager of money flows analysis for mutual fund tracking firm Lipper, Inc., where he tracks the movement of funds as driven by investor reaction to market performance. A popular speaker, Cassidy has been quoted in The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Barron 's, Forbes, and other leading national publications. He has written a number of books for individual investors, including When the Dow Breaks and It's When You Sell that Counts!, and is a regular contributor to AAII Journal.

304 pages

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