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wydawnictwo: WILEY FABOZZI , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena  275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual

Gary L. Gastineau

This comprehensive book on Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) describes and analyzes the principal features of the ETFs that are available today and compares them with their major competitors such as conventional mutual funds, HOLDRs and Folios. It offers a clear picture of the markets and concrete suggestions for order entry and execution at minimal cost. The applications chapter stresses principles that will be useful indefinitely to an investor, advisor or analyst who wants to develop an appropriate position for a contemporary market situation.

Wiith the enormous popularity and widespread acceptance of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) over the past several years, advisors and individual investors alike have sought out a definitive guide to this innovative, exciting new class of funds and the Frank J. Fabozzi series has responded. Written by ETF expert Gary Gastineau, The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual provides a detailed description of "open end" exchange-traded funds and how they work so that you can understand the reasons for ETF growth and, more importantly, how to use ETFs profitably

The Exchange Traded Funds Manual offers the most complete treatment of ETFs available, from asset allocation and risk management to taxation and financial planning, ETF selection, and evaluation. Whether you're a long-term investor, online trader, or advisor, this volume is a useful companion to anyone who wants to use "open-end" ETFs intelligently and effectively.

This comprehensive guide begins with a brief history of ETFs and a comparison with other basket products that often compete with them, including HOLDRs and Folios. The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual continues its full examination of ETFs by going behind the scenes and below the surface for the answers to difficult questions that you need to know when investing with ETFs.You'U learn why the expense ratios of ETFs tend to be low as well as how most equity ETFs avoid significant capital gains distributions.

In-depth analysis and comprehensive coverage will also allow you to:

  • Appreciate the distinctive characteristics of ETFs
  • Understand ETFs as an investor or investment advisor
  • Compare equity index ETFs
  • Prepare for new generations of ETFs
  • Trade ETF shares with confidence
  • Develop an investment plan incorporating ETFs
  • Accurately analyze and compare ETFs

The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual goes beyond the basic, introductory facts of ETFs, namely their flexibility, low cost, and high tax efficiency. This book provides a broader perspective and a more useful frame of reference for the risks and rewards of common ETF investment strategies and tactics. Filled with proven techniques and real-world examples to back them up, The Exchange-Traded Funds Manual is the only book you'll ever need to understand and profit from the incredible class of financial instruments known as exchange-traded funds

GARY L. GASTINEAU is a Managing Director at Nuveen Investments, where he is responsible for the development and introduction of Nuveen's new open-end exchange-traded funds. Gasdneau has specialized in the development and use of financial instruments for portfolio and risk management applications since 1975. Prior to joining Nuveen in March 2000, he was senior vice president for new product development at the American Stock Exchange, where he worked on the development of exchange-traded funds and related products.

400 pages

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