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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 115.00 Twoja cena  109,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Using the Law for Competitive Advantage

George J. Siedel, Univ. of Michigan Business School

How the law can help you achieve business goals

With today's expanding globalization, technology, and entrepreneurship, the law has become an enabler that allows firms to globalize, develop entrepreneurial ventures, create a customer-focused company, and create corporate values. This tenth book in the University of Michigan Business School series reveals the synchronicity between business objectives and legal objectives and shows how the law can help create competitive advantage for a company. Numerous examples from business and research reveal how to manage legal resources to gain competitive advantage in a cost-effective manner, reframe legal problems as business problems, and use legal frameworks to create both values and value for the company. The book includes two practical management tools that can be used to help deal with a variety of stakeholders and legal concerns.

204 pages

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