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wydawnictwo: KINDERSLEY , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 60.00 Twoja cena  57,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Stephen Covey
The bestselling teacher of personal and professional effectiveness


"Profound, sustainable, cultural change can take place within an organization only when the individuals ... first change themselves." - Stephen Covey

Stephen Covey made an unprecedented impact with his inspirational book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. He has continued to revolutionize the workplace with his powerful insights into succeeding as an individual and as a manager.

In this enlightening volume, Robert Heller explores Stephen Covey's highly influential aproach to personal effectiveness and presents a series of masterclasses that show how to use his groundbreaking ideas. Discover Covey's strategies for putting first things first, excercising self-leadership, optimizing capability, widening your circle of influence, finding win/win solutions, developing an 'abundance mentality', and winning synergy's rewards.


"Beautifully laid out and illustrated, Business Masteminds are crammed with facts, charts, lists and discussion of each individual's particular field - with a minimum of gobbledygook."
Financial Times

112 pages

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