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Base Metals Handbook


"Information by which you can guide your business a bit (or a lot) better....an absolute must." - American Metal Market

"Admirably complete in its coverage" Tin International

Base Metals Handbook is a practical reference work which should be on the shelves of anyone concerned with the base metals industries.

It provides a detailed yet concise examination of the aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, tin and zinc industries worldwide. Its coverage includes mineral reserves, production processes, end-use market consumption trends and trade patterns. The handbook contains comprehensive tables of production, consumption, imports, exports and stocks, as well as lists of mines, smelters and refineries throughout the world.

Who should use this handbook?

Base Metals Handbook is a practical reference work for everyone concerned with these industries, including:






Financial advisors


Mining engineers


Keep pace with change

The structure and workings of the world's metals industries change all the time, making it difficult to remain up-to-date. Base Metals Handbook provides a practical solution, with regular supplements which you can quickly incorporate into your looseleaf handbook.

Sources and methodology

This handbook is the result of an extensive programme of research. The authors have compiled and analyses data from a wide range of sources, including the London Metal Exchange, CRU, World Bureau of Metal Statistics, Brook Hunt, International Aluminium Association, Aluminium Association, European Aluminium Association, Japanese Aluminium Federatio, Car Manufacturers' Institute, International Copper Study Group, International Wrought Copper Council, International Tin Research Institute, International Tin Council, International Lead Zinc Study Group, US Geological Survey, International Nickel Study Group, Inco World Stainless Steel Statistics and Billiton Nickel. Information was also provided by a variety of individual companies, and gathered from trade and technical journals.

Base Metals Handbook will enable you to:

Gain a clear picture of each global market

Stay up-to-date with twice-yearly supplements

Identify key trends and assess the impact of recent developments

Gather intelligence on the major players worldwide

Work with reliable statistics, researched from the world's most authoritative sources

Save time gathering data - concentrate on using it instead

About the editor

Martin Thompson retired as Commercial Adviser for Rio Tinto plc in 1999, having joined the company in 1968. From 1976 onwards he dealt mainly with base metals, specialising in copper. He is a regular writer on the metal and has undertaken an examination of an international trade dispute on behalf of GATT. He was Chairman of the British Copper Development Association, Vice-Chairman of the European Copper Institute, and Chairman of the Statistical Committee of the International Copper Study Group. Previously he worked for Consolidated Tin Smelters Ltd and for the merchant bank NM Rothschild and Sons, in London and Rhodesia.

The contributors

Christopher Green, former Chairman of the London Metals Exchange Ltd and of Barclays Metals Group

Angus MacMillan, Senior Consultant with independent consultancy Brook Hunt

Philip Crowson, former Chief Economist of Rio Tinto and Director of the LME

Peter Cranfield, Market Research Manager of the Stainless Steel Materials Group of BHP Billiton


Editor's introduction
The contributors
Sources of data

Chapter 1: The base metals markets
Christopher Green

History and background

Early origins

Early metal trading

The not quite so Dark Ages

The industrial revolution

The merchants

The LME: development and structure


Price determination and control

The structure of the LME


* LME warehousing policy

The current position and the future

Contangos and backwardations Options Long-term price stability - a more assured future?

Chapter 2: Aluminium
Angus MacMillan

Resources and extraction




Recent developments in Western production


Background and history

Major end-use markets

The Market

The aluminium industry of the former Soviet Union

The aluminium industry of China

Recent developments


Global alumina refinery capacity

Global aluminium smelting capacity

World primary aluminium consumption

World primary aluminium production

World alumina production

Chapter 3: Copper
Martin Thompson

Resources and extraction

Origins of copper

Types of deposit

Geographical distribution of deposits

History of mining

Geographical distribution and recent trends in mine production

International trade in mine production

Extraction and processing of copper

Secondary production

Secondary production

Geographical distribution and recent trends in refined production

International trade in blister

International trade in refined copper

Costs of production

Prospects for production growth





Survey of current consumption

Rival materials


Prospects for consumption growth

The Market

Supply/demand balance of refined copper

Pricing of copper

Metal exchanges


The world's major copper mines

The world's major copper smelters

The world's major copper refineries

Chapter 4: Lead
Philip Crowson

Resources and extraction

Resources and reserves

Mining and concentrating



Mine production

Secondary production

Refined production


Overall trends


Regional trends in consumption

The Market

Ores and concentrates

The pricing of lead metal

Lead metal supply and demand

Stocks of lead metal and prices


The world's lead mines, 2000

The world's primary lead smelters, 2000

The world's lead refineries, 2000

Chapter 5: Zinc
Philip Crowson

Resources and extraction

Resources and extraction

Mining and concentrating

Smelting and refining

Mine production

Secondary production

Refined production

Production of refined zinc


Overall trends


Regional trends in consumption of refined zinc

The Market

Ores and concentrates

The pricing of zinc metal

zinc metal supply and demand

Stocks of zinc metal and prices


The world's zinc mines, 2000

The world's zinc smelters, 2000

Chapter 6: Nickel
Peter Cranfield

Resources and extraction

Resources and extraction

Origins of nickel

Types of deposit

Geographical distribution of reserves and mine production

International trade in mine production

Extraction by pyrometallurgical processes

Extraction by hydrometallurgical processes

Secondary production

Geographical distribution of smelter and refinery production

International trade in smelter matte

International trade in refined nickel

Costs of production

Prospects for production growth


Properties of nickel and sustainable development

Nickel consumption by end-use

Historical trends in consumption

Geographical distribution of consumption


Prospects for growth in nickel use

The Market

Supply/demand balance of refined nickel

The secondary nickel market



London Metal Exchange


Nickel companies

Chapter 7: Tin
Philip Crowson

Resources and extraction

Resources and extraction

Resources and extraction

Mining methods

Tin smelting


Properties and uses

End-use markets

Regional trends in demand

The Market

International control of tin

Market trends

400 pages

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wydawnictwo: WOODHEAD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

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