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wydawnictwo: WOODHEAD , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

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Electronic banking and treasury security

This new edition takes into account the very latest advances in electronic banking and treasury security. The electronic transmission of funds from companies to banks means that companies are responsible for high levels of risk previously covered by the bank's own security systems. This book is the definitive source of advice for all finance professionals. All of the contents has been thoroughly revised and updated and also includes:

  • New material from the book's sponsor, NatWest
  • A whole chapter covering security on the Internet, and
  • Fresh case study material

Electronic banking and treasury security covers everything from the systems themselves to the new documentation and includes contributions from leading figures in the banking, treasury and computing communities. This book will be invaluable to corporate treasurers, finance directors, bankers and the financial advisory community.

About the Editor

Brian Welch - Treasury Consultant with UserCare Limited with wide experience as a corporate treasurer and with treasury systems. He is an active member of The Association of Corporate Treasurers, having served as a Member of the Council, Chairman of the Publications Committee and currently as a member of the Programme Committee and the working party on the introduction of the Euro.

About the Contributors

Michael Deakin - Executive Consultant at Ernst & Young Management Consultants advising corporate clients, financial institutions and central and local government bodies on treasury management.

Tony de Caux - Chief Executive of The Bank Relationship Consultancy specializing in international banking, cash management, electronic banking and treasury technology.

Tom Fallon - Treasurer at United Utilities PLC since 1991, having previously worked for Ford, Octopus Publishing and Reed International.

Roger Gate - Senior Manager, Electronic Commerce & On-Line Services, NatWest Group, is well versed in electronic cash management and E-Commerce - current responsibilities include developing business to business E-Commerce services.

Claire Goddard - Executive Consultant in the Global Investment Banking group at Ernst & Young where she advises on operational and risk related processes and systems needed for front and back offices.

Tony Palmer - Security Consultant, group Security Services, NatWest Group, focusing on cryptography abd trust infrastructures. Tony has an international banking background and has a wealth of experience in trade finance, maney market and international cash management disciplines.

John Sherwood - Director of Sherwood Associates Limited offering consultancy on IT security and operational risk management and is also a member of the UK EDI Security Advisory Group.

Charles Storer - Senior Manager at NatWest Group with expertise in electronic banking, security and smart cards - current responsibilities include development and implementation of global electronic commerce opportunities.

Richard Tyson-Davies - Head of Public Affairs at APACs, where he acts as spokesman for the payments industry on matters relating to cooperation in the provision of money transmission services.


    Part 1: Electronic banking

Backgroud and history

Function of APACS

Global cash management

BACS: practical control issues

Electronic banking documentation

Funds transfer laws - UCC4A

Part 2: Treasury and systems security

Treasury security issues

Security and audit in treasury systems

Security on the Internet

EDI security

Part 3: The future

Future developments

Appendix 1 : Selecting a new treasury system

Appendix 2 : The London Code of Conduct


Part 1: Electronic banking

Backgroud and history
Michael Deaking & Claire Goddard

  • The first steps
  • The search for efficiency
  • Improving clearing systems
  • Progress from technical developments
  • Weaknesses are uncovered
  • Recent times

Function of APACS
Richard Tyson-Davies

  • History and background
  • The fundamental role of APACS
  • APACS structure
  • Clearing companies
  • Future developments at APACS
  • Future developments in payment systems and information systems
  • Security
  • Settlement risk

Global cash management
Charles Storer

  • Definition and evolution
  • Principal cash management
  • Issues to consider when establishing a global cash management structure
  • Potential cash management risks and security principals
  • Corporate security requirements and measures
  • Additional measures
  • Other considerations
  • Conclusions

BACS: practical control issues
Tom Fallon & Brian Welch

  • File authentication
  • Control point
  • Indentification labels
  • Label numbers
  • Bureu
  • Validation
  • Preparation of media
  • Beneficiaries' bank details
  • Transaction limit
  • Input report
  • Audit reports
  • Mandate
  • Controls checklist

Electronic banking documentation
Brian Welch

  • Negotiating with the bank
  • Specific points of concern
  • Electronic data interchange (EDI)
  • Agreements by subsidiaries or associates
  • Electronic Funds Transfer Act 1978 (USA)
  • Computer Misuse Act 1990 (UK)
  • Electronic banking documentation checklist

Funds transfer laws - UCC4A
Tony de Caux

  • UCC4A funds transfer law
  • The impact of UCC4A on US-based companies
  • The impact of UCC4A on companies based outside the US
  • UNCITRAL nodel law on international credit transfers
  • The EC cross-border payment directive

Part 2: Treasury and systems security

Treasury security issues
Claire Goddard & Michael Deakin

  • Planning the organizational framework
  • Authorization procedures
  • Segregation of duties
  • Dealing controls
  • Accurate recording
  • Settlement procedures
  • Prompt reconciliation
  • Independent valuation
  • Timely management monitoring
  • Treasury security checklist

Security and audit in treasury systems
Brian Welch

  • Definition
  • Description
  • Early treasury systems
  • Basic security considerations
  • Security and access
  • Audit trail
  • Back-up and recovery
  • System upgrades
  • Documentation
  • The unthinkable
  • In-house systems
  • Security and audit checklist

Security on the Internet
Roger Gate & Tony Palmer

  • Internet / World Wide Web (WWW)
  • Firewalls
  • Encryption
  • Digital signatures
  • Private key pairs
  • Public keys and certificates
  • Challenge and response
  • Secure electronic transaction protocal (SET)
  • Summary
  • Checklist of risks and other solutions

EDI security
John Sherwood

  • What is EDI?
  • Why does EDI need security?
  • What are the security requirements for EDI?
  • How does EDI compare with traditional systems?
  • What international standards are available?
  • What are the security features of EDIFACT?
  • What cryptographic techniques are available?
  • How is encryption technology used to provide message security?
  • What special purpose does X.435 fulfil?
  • What are the legal issues affecting EDI security?
  • EDI security checklist

Part 3: The future

Future developments
Michael Deaking & Claire Goddard

  • Retail banking services
  • Corporate treasury services
  • The effect of continuous progress

Appendix 1 : Selecting a new treasury system

Appendix 2 : The London Code of Conduct

304 pages

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