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wydawnictwo: WOODHEAD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

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Balance Sheet Structures

Balance Sheet Structures is a practical and comprehensive guide to balance sheet issues. The book begins by covering the financial theory necessary for an understanding of the debt versus equity issue and then focuses on real world issues by discussing answers to the questions

  • Why do companies have balance sheets structured as they are?
  • Do industry differences rule the structure?
  • Does a multinational differ greatly from a domestic company?
  • Does management's attitude to risk have any effect?

These questions are looked at through a series of case studies, mostly written by those who are responsible for the balance sheet structures they are living with. The book also aims to help the reader understand the interrelationship between debt and equity in terms of the overall value of the company and the impact on the company's cost of capital. It covers the various elements that make up the balance sheet, and the costs and benefits that attach to each and goes on to analyse the interrelationship between the business that the company is in, the maximisation of cash flows and the balance sheet that matches the business reality.

Balance sheet structures is an invaluable and concise guide intended for a wide range of interested parties - treasurers, bankers, directors and students of business and economics.

About the editor

Anthony Birts is currently Teaching Fellow in Finance at the School of Management, University of Bath, UK where he is also Director of the MBA Programmes. He did his MBA at Manchester Business School and previously worked at the Bank of America NT & SA where he was Vice President of Global Payments.

About the contributors

Stephen J East is Finance Director of MEPC PLC and currently also Vice President of the Association of Corporate Treasurers having previously chaired its publications, programme and education committees.

Michael McCallan is Vice President and Treasurer, Esselte AB, the Swedish global office supplies company. He is author of Re-engineering corporate treasury (ACT Business of Finance series) and is a contributor to Managing banking relationships (Woodhead Publishing Limited).

Gary Crouch is a founder and Finance Director of the Avebury Group, which since its inception in 1997 has grown rapidly and now operates around 700 tenanted pubs throughout England and Wales.

Anthony Stern is Director of Treasury at Bass PLC where he is responsible for treasury and banking matters covering more than ninety countries in which the group operates through its Inter-Continental and Holiday Inn hotels.

Tim Owen is Director of Treasury at Cadbury Schweppes PLC, a company with a turnover of L4bn and a market capitalisation of over L8bn.

Alan Clements is the Founder President of The Association of corporate Treasurers and has a distinguished business background having been Treasurer and a Main Board Director of ICI as well serving on several other boards: David S Smith Holdings (Chairman); MGN PLC (Deputy Chairman); Cable and Wireless; Granada; Trafalgar House (Chairman) and Guinness Mahon Holdings PLC.


1. Debt versus equity
A N Birts
Purpose of the firm
The theory
The effect of imperfections
The capital asset pricing model
References and further reading
Appendix 1.1

2. Setting optimum debt/equity ratios: theory and practice
A N Birts
Factors that influence capital share structure: the empirical evidence
Practical implications
The international dimension
References and further reading

3. Elements of a group's capital structure
Stephen J East
The instruments
Classes of debt
Classes of equity
Combining potential instruments

Case study: Michael McCallan - Parentco PLC - L80 million, 7% convertible bonds
The company
Treasury risk management framework/financing plan
Convertible bond
Practical issues of negotiating and launching a convertible bond
Critical success factors
Appendix 3.1

4. Developing a capital structure: practitioners' approaches
A N Birts
Major factors for consideration
The broad issues
Access to markets
Cash effects

Case study: Gary Crouch - Household Mortgage Corporation
Equity raising
Equity structure
Preference share problems
Financing the business
Capital strains
The happy ending

5. The international dimension
Anthony Stern
Holding structure
Control issues

Case Study 1: Anthony Stern - Parentco: the financing of foreign subsidiaries
The company
The treasury risk management framework
Management philosophy and general funding approach
Financing issues of operating companies

Case Study 2: Tim Owen - Financing the acquisition of Dr Pepper/Seven-Up
How much to pay?
How to finance?
The group of banks
The launch
Appendix 5.1: The underwritten enhanced scrip dividend alternative (UESDA)
Appendix 5.2: Preferred securities
Appendix 5.3: Principal terms of the bank facilities

6. Dividends
A N Birts
The theory
Three points of view
Empirical evidence on dividends
Summary of the theory
References and other reading
Appendix 6.1
Appendix 6.2

7. Managing stakeholder perceptions
Alan Clements and Moody's New Instruments Standing Committee
The company perspective
The theory
The 'buts'
The real world
Bankers and lenders
Rating agencies
Other stakeholders

Moody's tool kit: a framework for assessing hybrid securities
Section 1: The nature of equity and its replication in hybrids
Section 2: Placing the hybrid security on the debt-equity continuum
Section 3: Application of Moody's Tool Kit
Section 4: The impact of hybrid securities on an issuer's credit quality
Section 5: A case study
Section 6: Conclusion
Appendix 7.1
Appendix 7.2
Appendix 7.3

190 pages

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