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wydawnictwo: WADSWORTH TL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie V

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Public Relations Cases

5th Edition


The Fifth Edition continues to study examples of public relations by following the author's philosophy that great PR comes from interactive participation among sources and receivers of information. The text walks students through the evaluation of excellent case studies and helps students to understand why select public relations cases had the effect they did.


The text presents cases by following the ROPE Process of Public Relations as devised by the author: Research of initial topics, Establishment of Objectives, Programming, and Evaluation of the publics' success.

This edition is enriched by 24, carefully selected new cases such as "WaMoola Madness: America Meets the New $20 Bill;" "Titanic Video Launch;" "Creating Confidence in a Corporate Turnaround;" and "Visa's 'Read Me a Story. Twenty-four of 28 cases are new to this edition.

The 1998 and 1999 Silver Anvil Award winners are included as cases in the text. These award winning public relations campaigns represent the best of the best in the field of Public Relations. Cases featuring Silver Anvil Award winners are marked by an anvil icon.

New technologies like email and the World Wide Web and how they are affecting the way PR is done are now integrated throughout every chapter. Implications of good and bad uses of technology are illustrated, including topics like the use of the video news releases and Web press releases.

The latest news and research articles onlineupdated daily and spanning four years! Choose to package InfoTrac College Edition with this text and you and your students will have 4-month's free access to an easy-to-use online database of reliable, full-length articles (not abstracts) from hundreds of top academic journals and popular sources. Contact your Wadsworth/Thomson Learning representative for more information. Available to North American college and university students only. Journals subject to change.

An end-of-chapter Web exercise, marked by an icon, guides students online to current, topic-related articles in InfoTrac College Edition.

Cases include award winners as well as PR efforts that failed, providing students with ample opportunity for analysis.

Available to qualified adopters, the Video for Public Relation Cases includes great examples of public relations in action.

Chapter 1, "Public Relations in Action," offers in-depth coverage of the ethics involved with practicing PR.

Appendix II: PRSA Code of Ethics offers students the latest guidelines established by the Public Relations Society of America.

Praised for thorough inception to evaluation coverage, the author systematically presents the entire execution of each case, from initial research efforts to finished results or evaluation.

To motivate class interaction, Questions for Class Discussion are provided in the appendix.

Case Problems and Exercises, formerly Appendix II, are now found in the Instructor's Manual as well as at the faculty download area on the online Communication Café (http://communication.wadsworth.com).

In response to reviewer feedback, a new Chapter 12, "Integrated Marketing Communications," has been added. This chapter demonstrates how both public relations and advertising can be combined into a seamless whole to accomplish essential marketing goals.

486 pages

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