A lot of economic problems can formulated as constrained optimizations and
equilibration of their solutions.Various mathematical theories have been supplying
economists with indispensable machineries for these problems arising in economic theory.
Conversely, mathematicians have been stimulated by various mathematical difficulties
raised by economic theories. The series is designed to bring together those mathematicians
who were seriously interested in getting new challenging stimuli from economic theories
with those economists who are seeking for effective mathematical tools for their
Table of contents:
-Chales Castaing, Paul Raynaud de Fitte, and Anna Salvadori: Some variational convergence
results with applications to evolution inclusions.
- Laura Angeloni, Benard Cornet: Existence of financial equilibria in a multi-period
stochastic economy.
- Freddy Delbean: Hedging bounded claim with bounded outcomes.
- Jean-Michel Grandmont: Fiscally Stable Income Distributions under Majority Voting and
Bargaining Sets.
- L. Hurwicz: Designing Mechanisms for Agents Who Do Not Play Games.
- Tatsuro Ichiishi, Akira Yamazaki: Cooperative Extensions of the Bayesian Game.
- Alexander Ioffe: Variational Problem Associated with a Model of Welfare Economics
with a Measure Spaces of Agents.
- M.Ali Khan, Tapan Mitra: Discounted Optimal Growth in the Two-Sector RSS Model: A
Geometric Investigation.
- Dov Monder: Solution-Based Congestion Games.
- Roy Rander, Prajit K. Dutta: A Game-Theoretic Approach to Global Warming.
- Joaquim Silvestre, Antoni Bosch-Domenech: The gain-loss asymmetry and single-self
- Stuart, C.A.: On Differentiability and bifurcation.
- Dionysius Glycopantis, Allan Muir, and Nicholas C. Yannelis: On extensive form
implementation of equilibria in differential information economies.
- Akihiko Takahashi, Yoshihiko Uchida: New Acceleration Schemes with the Asymptotic
Expansion in Monte Carlo Simulation.
- Kunio Kawamata, Yasunari Tamada: Direct and Indirect Connection, the Shapley Value,
and Network Formation.
- Hironori Hata, Jun Sekine: Solving Long Term Optimal Investment Problems with
Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Interest Rates.
- Hidetoshi Nakagawa, Tomoaki Shouda: A Prepayment Model of Mortgage-Backed Securities
Based on Unobservable Prepayment Cost Processes.
-Naoki Watanabe, Shigeo Muto: Licensing Agreements as Bargaining Outcomes: General
Results and two Examples.
- Makoto Yano: The Bertrand Equilibrium in a Price Competition Game.
500 pages, Hardcover