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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

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The Formation of Inter-Organizational Networks

Edited by Mark Ebers, Professor of Business Administration, Management, and Organization, Augsburg University


'The book is admitted to be more research orientated than practice orientated. Nevertheless, the papers do provide important insights that will reward practical managers.' -Cooper H. Langford, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 13, No.1, 2001

'The prominence given to analysis of the role of trust is most appropriate and the effort made to enrich the literature of this subject with a deconstruction of the concept is quite valuable.' -Cooper H. Langford, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 13, No.1, 2001

'it provides a comprehensive review of the research directions that have influenced attitutes toward the phenomena of inter-organizational network formation among firms' -Cooper H. Langford, Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, Vol. 13, No.1, 2001

'a major study ... draws on a remarkable range of primary an secondary material and is highly readable ... The breadth o the book, the issues it tackles and its findings make it an outstanding piece of research that will be widely read and appreciated.' - Mark Thatcher, West European Politics, Vol.23, No. 4, Oct.2000.

In recent years, the networked firm has been widely perceived by both managers and management scholars as a promising organizational form. This book analyses when, why, and how firms engage in different forms of inter-organizational networking, such as strategic alliances, joint ventures, and long-term accords for collaboration among competitors as well as with suppliers and customers. The contributors outline how firm strategies, catalysts and trust between actors shape the emergence and the forms of inter-organizational collaboration.

Readership: Academics and postgraduate students of organizational theory and behaviour, business strategy, economics, sociology, and marketing.


Mark Ebers: Preface

I. Introduction

1 Mark Ebers: The Inter-organizational Network as a Distinct Organizational Form

II. Resource Flows: Role of Activity Links

2 Anna Dubois and Hakan Hakansson: Relationships as Activity Links

3 Geoff Easton and Luis Araujo: Interfirm Responses to Heterogeneity of Demand over Time

4 Alessandro Lomi and Alessandro Grandi: The Network Structure of Interfirm Relationships in the Southern Italian Mechanical Industry

III. Mutual Expectations: The Role of Trust

5 Peter Smith Ring: Processes Facilitating Reliance on Trust in Inter-organizational Networks

6 Paul de Laat: R & D Alliances: Ensuring Trust by Mutual Commitments

7 Mark Casson and Howard Cox: An Economic Model of Inter-firm Networks

IV. Information Flows: The Role of the Catalysts

8 Andrea Lipparini and Maurizio Sobrero: Co-ordinating Multi-firm Innovative Processes: Entrepreneur as Catalyst in Small-firm Networks

9 Suzanne Lütz: Learning through Intermediaries: The Case of Interfirm Research Collaborations

10 Christopher P. Holland and Geoff Lockett: Mixed Mode Operation of Electronic Markets and Hierarchies

V. Conclusion

11 Mark Ebers and Anna Grandori: The Formation of Inter-organizational Networks: Implications for Theory and Practice

292 pages

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