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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Risk management in emerging markets

Understanding risk in emerging markets is a critical success factor for management today. Risk management is about controlled decision making rather than risk avoidance. Balancing risk and reward is increasingly important but reward does not come without risk.

"Risk Management in Emerging Markets is primarily concerned with the risks facing long-term investors who put their money in real assets rather than financial ones such as investing In stock markets, but everyone interested in emerging markets will find value in reading this book. It will help open managers' eyes to risks and provide solutions. It also seeks to answer the question 'What makes emerging markets different and how does this impact on risk?' rather than how to make a quick return, as many other books do.

The book addresses in detail the question of 'What is risk?' and then covers the basics of identification, measurement and management of risk before considering how things work or don't work in practice in emerging markets. It also considers

recent trends and looks at future possible developments within the field.

A selection of international case studies and examples from both the corporate and banking sectors highlight key risks in the UK, US and Europe as well as emerging markets. These help ililustrate the fact that today's business world is more integrated, more volatile and more hostile than it has ever been.

Risk Management in Emerging Markets is an essential guide for managers in both non-commercial and commercial organizations, as well as students of risk and risk management.

Those wanting to survive, or even win, would be wise to read this book before their competitors do.

Carl Olsson is a London-based banker, and is currently a senior manager in the global risk management function for Standard Chartered Bank, a leading emerging markets bank. Prior to taking up this role he lived and-worked -for,nearly 28 years in emerging markets in: the Middle East India and Asia where he warked with many corporate clients tracing the challenge of doing business in emerging markets. In addition to a degree in Economics from Cambridge, he has completed professional banking exams and more recently an MBA from Henley Management College.

310 pages

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