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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 185.00 Twoja cena  175,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Jack Welch and the G E Way: Management Insights & Leadership Secrets of the Legendary CEO


Jack Welch is indisputably the most effective CEO in America today and has been for the past two decades, GE the company he has headed since 1981, is now the most valuable company in the world. A visionary corporate strategist, Welch continues to shake the cage, pursuing programs and ideas destined to further build GE's strength and his own formidable reputation. Robert Slater's previous two books on Welch and GE influenced management practices worldwide and were instant bestsellers. Now Slater concentrates on Welch's present-day business strategies and his vision for the future in Jack Welch and the GE Way.

After almost 20 years at the helm, Welch has never stopped reinventing GE, and in this insightful book, the reader can share center-stage with Welch as he discusses: His zeal to nurture and expand what he calls "The Learning Culture" within GE; GE's continuing strategy to shed any businesses where they cannot be first or second in their market; Jack Welch in action, as he visits and reviews GE installations while talking to and learning from GE employees. Written for leaders everywhere, at every level of management and business, Jack Welch and the GE Way strengthens Welch's legend as the most acclaimed and respected CEO in history.

Part I: Act Like a Leader, Not a Manager.
Embrace Change, Don't Fear It.
Stop Managing, Start Leading.
Cultivate Managers Who Share Your Vision.
Face Reality, Then Act Decisively.
Be Simple, Be Consistent, and Hammer, Your Message Home.

Part II: Building the Market-Leading Company.
Be Number 1 or Number 2, But Don't Narrow Your Market.
Look for the Quantum Leap!
Fix, Close, or Sell: Reviving NBC.
Dont Focus on the Numbers.
Plagiarize It's Legitimate: Creat a Learning Culture.

Part III: Forging the Boundaryless Organization.
Get Rid of the Managers, Get Rid of the Bureaucracy.
Be Lean and Agile Like a Small Company.
Tear Down the Boundaries.

Part IV: Harnessing Your People for Competitive Advantage.
Three Secrets: Speed, Simplicity, and Self-Confidence.
Use the Brain of Every Worker Involve Everyone.
Take the "Boss Element" Out of Your Company.
Create an Atmosphere Where Workers Feel Free to Speak Out.
S-t-r-e-t-c-h! Reach for the Stars!

Part V: Push Service and Globalization for Double-Digit Growth.
Grow Your Service Business It's the Wave of the Future.
Look to Financial Services to Bring in Earnings.
Have Global Brains and Build Diverse and Global Teams.

Part VI: Drive Quality Throughout the Organization.
Live Quality and Drive Cost and Speed for Competitive Advantage.
Make Quality the Job of Every Employee.
To Achieve Quality: Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.

Part VII: The Toughest Boss/Most Admired Manager in America.
Jack Welch Deals with Adversity.
Jack Welch Deals with the Next Generation.

Part VIII: Jack Welch's Vision for the Millenniu.
Bolstering General Electric.
Advice for Other Companies.
328 pages

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