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wydawnictwo: FT/PH BRIEF , rok wydania 2002, wydanie II

cena netto: 585.00 Twoja cena  555,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Shareholder Value Explained - Second Edition

Allison Hennell, Alan Warne

Today companies come under intense pressure to create and measure shareholder value. Managers need to get to grips with performance measures in order to do so. But which of the numerous value creation models should you adopt?

This best-selling briefing now revised and updated in a second edition provides a much needed independent review of the different value creation models and offers practical advice on how such a system should be implemented. The viability of alternative approaches is assessed through practical examples. The briefing then explores the ways in which you can maximise shareholder value at both strategic and operational levels within your company.

Contents include:

  • Financial performance measurement in context
  • Operational measures of business performance
  • Shareholder ratios
  • Economic value added
  • Other approaches to measuring shareholder value at corporate level
  • Cascading shareholder value measures into the business
  • Value based management
  • Case studies

Features new content on:

  • economic value added (EVA)
  • total shareholder return (TSR)
  • cashflow return on investment (CFROI)
  • updated case study material

128 pages

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